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I'm just so in love with this manhua. The story, the art, the characters... I love all of ...

Lunali August 17, 2018 1:14 am

I'm just so in love with this manhua. The story, the art, the characters... I love all of it. I don't get whenever people say this is slow paced? Because for me, it's a realistic pace. I'm infinitely thankful to DJun for taking his time to develop their relationship, for creating such well-constructed characters and taking the time and effort to give them actual backstories, which not only is letting us know them on a deeper level (and hell, even relate to them) but also making YuYang and LiHuan's relationship more meaningful in the process, and this latest chapter was proof of it. That's why when I read DJun was receiving negative comments about how it was getting boring and it was just filler (talking specifically about Ch 46), it honestly made me both sad and angry because he's doing all this effort to write a beautiful story, and people simply brush it aside for the sake of wanting them together already. I swear some people don't even deserve to read this. He even made a post about it and explained why all of this is important for the story, and honestly after seeing his response to those comments I gotta say he has all my respect (not to mention he's also such a sweetheart to his readers).

Anyway, I guess it's needless to say Here U Are really is my highlight of the week <3
