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iamxrae August 18, 2018 5:12 am

This is a good read. I don't like cheating, but this manga is more intricate than that. First, I don't think they were really in an agreed upon relationship, it's like Kou never said it and Shinobu just assumed it. But who wouldn't think that way with all the things they were doing together and the act that Kou put on? No, it wasn't "cheating," it was an outright vicious intent by Kou to hurt an innocent person. To me, cheating is when two people who have feelings for each other make a commitment to be faithful, it may be verbal, written, marriage, engagement, whatever, a commitment - and then one person breaks that commitment by either having a physical or emotional relationship with someone else. Maybe they no longer have the same strong feelings for their partner, or maybe their relationship isn't going well, or whatever host of reasons they have, they choose to break that commitment and cheat.

Now, when people do cheat, I'm a die-hard DO NOT TAKE THEM BACK believer. So, while I wasn't 100% pleased that Shinobu gave him a second chance in the end, I was quite happy that Shinobu's initial response was to cut it clean, move on with his life, and stand his ground (mostly). It was also very satisfying to see Kou suffer for a chapter or two. So while it wasn't perfect, it played out better than the typical scenario where the cheater immediately apologizes (not necessarily heart-felt) to the crying uke/seme and then they're instantly back together.

The ONE thing that would have made this just a little better for me would have been if Shinobu had a couple of dates with some other guys after his transfer - maybe a little skinship even - and Kou got wind of it. Just to add a little icing to Kou's misery, so that for once he experiences how it feels to know that the person you love is getting banged by someone else.
