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Hi, I need some suggestions (not Manga)

Masky August 19, 2018 12:55 pm

Im in second year of high school. My older sister always does baby talk. She also loves to cuddle and is very stubborn (in a baby way), she said that she wanted to have an older sister, but instead, she had a younger sister, which was me. Now she acts as if the younger sister was her, and I was the older one. It didn't bother me, but whenever she gets clingy, I hate it. My oldest brother kept on saying how he wanted the sweet version of me back. Mom said that i was being cold to them, it was the reason why they started to get annoyed with me she said. My oldest brother kept on shouting at me whenver I am not able to follow the lessons at school and whenever I suck at stuff, like Math or Science, and decision-making. That's the reason why I don't like him. My second older brother brother likes to kiss my shoulder (no incest included or whatsoever), he does the same thing to everyone. Except for dad. It annoys me because I hate skinship a lot. Mom loves to buy me a lot of things which are not to my liking, then, she starts crying and says how much of a bad child I am whenver I look annoued with what it was that she gave me. She said that she gave me everything,to make me look good and for others to think that I'm not being neglected by my parents. Mom said that it was their way of showing their love to me yet I was being cold to them. Am really a bad kid? Am I being selfish and immature? Im staring to think that maybe I was really bad and selfish, because what if I only think that I'm not wrong, when in fact, I did become cold them? Like in the Mangas, you think you were right, but instead, you're being the opposite. Please helo me, what can you tell about this situation of mine? And what can I do to prevent hurting them and hurting me?

    0_jklo August 19, 2018 1:05 pm

    Maybe you should try talking to your family members about the stuff you wish not to be done to you and explain it from your point of view. But I think you should appreciate what your mother buys for you though, it is fine if you don't like them but you should be more appreciated of what she gives you.

    0_jklo August 19, 2018 1:05 pm


    NeetyNayd v 2.0 August 19, 2018 1:39 pm

    You seem to have a moderately functional family....
    COMMUNICATION..... Talk to your brother, sister, mom and dad about yourself and i know you are still in your puberty years... so they might understand you....
    Maybe you are sweet as a girl but when we grow older, we seem to shift our traits.... so i do think what are you facing now is normal....

    About your mother, appreciate what she give but at the same time, do not use it... it is better to give or sell it after you receive it.... you can make other people happy or finance yourself enough

    Niel August 19, 2018 1:51 pm

    Hi Masky!
    I think you should def talk to your family. Maybe slowly like dropping hits or while doing activities they and you enjoy. Also about your mom's gifts… If she buys something you don't like, it means she doesn't know you or your tastes, and it doesn't feel like something someone could appreciate (also in the end both parties are hurt, because the happiness coming from buying a gift is seeing the one who gets it super happy. It has to be genuine, not giving you the feeling it can be bought). Do you shop with your mom sometimes? Or share stuffs with her? Or trying to know why she bought these specific gifts? Also maybe there's a miscommunication between you?
    Good luck!!

    Heather August 19, 2018 2:34 pm

    In your mother's case, she may be acting like that because there are people who equate their self-worth based on other's "dependence" on them. They constantly need to have someone that depends on them in order for them to feel like they have a purpose in life. On some cases, they provide too much and end up "disabling" their dependees.

    In your sister's case, she's putting you in a position that will satisfy her emotional needs. There are times when people exhibit submissive tendencies on certain situations as a coping mechanism in order to alleviate the pressures in their lives. Childlike behaviour is an example of that. <<< Check the regression part

    In your brother's case, he may be acting like that because he may be putting you on a pedestal. The reason why he is getting angry at you is because you may not be meeting his expectations of you. Do not let yourself be bothered by it.

    Your other brother may have an oral fixation, according to freud.

    This all just a hypothesis. I can be wrong but..

    Don't be scared, you're in high school. What you are feeling is not as rare as you might think. People usually call it the rebellious phase. Rebellion is not always an active act. Sometimes, it's more passive, like distancing yourself from your family and being all emotional about it. You to have someone you can talk to about these things or an outlet to let out your emotions because keeping it to yourself will have a negative impact in the long run.

    Masky August 20, 2018 1:40 pm

    Thank you guys, I really appreciated it. So, another thing, I am able to appreciate ehat other people do for me, but not my what family does for me. I'm sorry for being immature, please let it slide just this once