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why am i crying in the club rn

yeeeeahboy August 20, 2018 3:46 pm

It's not easy for a manhwa or manga to make me cry but I'm actually in tears right now. There's been such a slow buildup with Merry's mother's health getting worse. She's an incredibly kind soul. Single parents can be so strong and amazing.

These last few chapters have made me realize how attached I've grown to these characters without even realizing it.

Sooho is carrying a heavy burden just because of his mom. He's trying his best to navigate all of this and he's gradually losing his composure. As time goes on he seems to be less sure of himself. He's going to have to confront himself soon enough. Yes, he really does love Merry, but loving someone with a foundation of guilt isn't going to be healthy. He needs to be kinder to himself.

Merry is also slowly becoming more mature but it's not enough. He's been isolated and over protected. I want Sooho to be able to depend on Merry and give him actual responsibilities rather than babying him. He should have made sure Merry knew how poorly his mom was doing.

The imbalance in their relationship is only causing them more pain because Sooho can't communicate or even admit that he feels guilty and helpless. I don't know how Merry is going to cope with the loss of his mother but I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Also I'm calling truck-sama to destroy Sooho's evil ass mother

    darklord August 20, 2018 4:06 pm

    Just wanted you to know that I hope there's x1000 thumbs up button for your comment

    yeeeeahboy August 20, 2018 4:12 pm
    Just wanted you to know that I hope there's x1000 thumbs up button for your comment darklord

    Haha thank you, that's really nice!! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~