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First story thoughts...

Mameiha August 21, 2018 6:17 am

If I were Terumasa, I'd have about half a dozen new additions for my lower class brothel... those asshole servants! I understand that it is for the sake of the story's conflict and resolution, but they knew that Kyouku (sp) was a former member of the aristocrocy and they had the nerve to treat him in such a manner anyway?! Bullshit! Common folk feared retaliation from the aristocracy for even the most minor and mundane infractions of the social hierarchy. It wasn't just bad manners to look an aristocrat in the eyes if you were a commoner, you could actually be punished for it and it was the aristocrat's right to do so. So, the story would have been more believable if Terumasa had another guest, who was Terumasa's social equal, staying with him who wanted to punish Kyouku for his willfulness and bad manners. There is no way the common help would ever retaliate against their master's guests. Kyouku may have lost his wealth, but he didn't lose the aristocratic blood in his veins. Even as a prostitute, with his lineage, he was still miles above a common servant on the social ladder of the era. And they'd have known that. Another "bullshit" aspect of that whole scenario was that Terumasa had the help waiting on Kyouku. Thus, Kyouku had the status of "guest" in the house. As a guest, it isn't up to the help to complain about or discipline an unruly person, that is the master's responsibility and right. That applies to all guests whether they are a prince, a prostitute or a shit collector. If the master designates a person as his guest, that designation is absolute. As the prorietor of a brothel, Terumasa would not be looked on with kind eyes from his not-so-lecherous betters as it was, but if word got out that his servants were left to assault guests, he'd have a hard time finding even those lecherous wealthy customers his high end brothel needs to keep the lights on. In reality, the servants would have been lucky to escape imprisonment, working in a brothel as a prostitute or worse, working in a brothel as a servant. At least the prostitutes earn money for the brothel and are treated as merchandise, there is a modicum of respect there. A servant in a brothel is treated worse than a slave. They make about as much money too. Which is less than nothing when compared to what a servant in an aristocratic household would make. Just being fired would be a blessing.
