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It was strange yet beautiful in its own way. I didn't really get it but it made me feel i ...

Shrimps August 22, 2018 10:31 am

It was strange yet beautiful in its own way. I didn't really get it but it made me feel i don't know just something. It also made me feel so calm and relaxed and happy for some reasons. This is like a pill hahah! I don't know what I'm trying to say but what i want to say is that this gives off this weird feeling. A feeling of something that's different and strange but just really good at the same time. This manga is amazing. I love the cactus, coffee and dino one the most! I just kept on re-reading it and it just made me feel something. Like it was stopping me from going on the next chapter like i was chained on to that single chapter and i just had to read it over and over again but i never got bored of it. It's like I'm in a prison, locked up in chains but at the same time, i feel free. Sitting on a isolated grassy hill by myself and the wind dancing with my hair. A book placed in my hands as I tightly hold on to my hat. Am i the only one feeling this way??? Hahahah!
