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( ゚д゚)

❤ Emeralde ❤ August 23, 2018 1:33 am

my sis caught me reading this and her jaw dropped

    Shem September 20, 2018 6:37 am

    My family and friends knows that I'm a fujoshi (σ≧▽≦)σ but there were two times when my guy cousin caught me reading yaoi and he got traumatized while my sister always told me to atleast not to lock my phone if its nsfw cause it still shock her whenever she opens my phone

    ❤ Emeralde ❤ September 20, 2018 3:36 pm

    Dpr1999 December 14, 2018 3:04 pm

    So I have some paper copies and my brother went through my books. (He’s not even allowed to sleep in my room anymore nor was he supposed to be sleeping in my room that day) so one day at dinner, he started to talk about it. I said I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m like what the actually fuck... why are you talking about my books at dinner to my parents?? Do you have a death wish.......? This is my step brother who I am not a huge fan of and typically ban him from my room. I’m still pissed about it because why the fuck was he going through my books in the first place and in my room....?