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I really liked that one. I like that no one black mailed the other one. It just took its c...

LuLu August 23, 2018 5:28 am

I really liked that one. I like that no one black mailed the other one. It just took its course and played out naturally.

Sawamoto's temper turns me off from liking him a bit. I didn't like how he got violent with Sensei when Rika showed up. Like yeah it's a "the fuck? Who is she?" situation but he should've just asked him about it. Same with the last chapter..... But I do admire his perseverance and his bravery. Because Lord knows I wouldn't be able to lay it all out on the table like that.

Sensei was just cool. I liked everything about him.

I loved the friend and Kimura sensei too.
