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Making friends online

phanni August 24, 2018 6:20 pm

Hello, what are your thoughts about online friends?
Do you have one?

    kaname rei August 24, 2018 6:31 pm

    I think it's great to have online friends! Most of the time, they're pretty cool, friendly and nice people! Also, sometimes it's because they don't know you irl that you can just share your troubles with them. Tbh, some of them gives real good advices too! Online friends could even become one of your closest friend who you can confide in in the future :)

    There are still many weirdos out there tho. If you happen to encounter one, be sure to pull back and draw the distance!

    Hulya August 24, 2018 6:45 pm

    I have many haha. With my first online friend we had 6 years together but we lost the contact 3 years ago and it's one of my biggest mistake. I miss her so much... I don't even miss my "real life" friends like i miss her. With others i have like 2-3 years together. My biggest online friendship have 8 years. Yes, i believe in online friendships, it's so strong that you will miss more than a real one. But you need to be carefull, don't expose yourself immediately, people are crazy nowdays haha.But stil, you can meet lots of friends ^^

    phanni August 24, 2018 6:53 pm
    I think it's great to have online friends! Most of the time, they're pretty cool, friendly and nice people! Also, sometimes it's because they don't know you irl that you can just share your troubles with them. ... kaname rei

    Yes, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately I don't have online friends but I would love to have one! (or two...c:)
    Thank you for your answer, I really appreciate it. :)

    GoldenScale August 24, 2018 6:55 pm

    I made some friends online and I never even thought I would meet two of them irl about 3 or 4 years later.

    phanni August 24, 2018 6:56 pm
    I have many haha. With my first online friend we had 6 years together but we lost the contact 3 years ago and it's one of my biggest mistake. I miss her so much... I don't even miss my "real life" friends like ... Hulya

    You are so lucky to have some friends who you can count on!
    Yes, the biggest problems are weirdos lol. But it's worth the risk. :)
    Thank you for your reply!

    phanni August 24, 2018 7:00 pm
    I made some friends online and I never even thought I would meet two of them irl about 3 or 4 years later. GoldenScale

    Some people say it's just uncomfortable to meet someone online in real life. Wasn't it a bit awkward?

    SSStylish August 24, 2018 7:51 pm

    They're nice to have. You can talk about things you don't feel like you can talk about irl.

    phanni August 24, 2018 8:00 pm
    They're nice to have. You can talk about things you don't feel like you can talk about irl. SSStylish

    Which websites are the best to make online friends?
    Thank you for your answer!

    SSStylish August 24, 2018 9:55 pm
    Which websites are the best to make online friends? Thank you for your answer! phanni

    I mostly meet people through discord, but sometimes I run into people when I play mmo’s and we become friends

    Peeves August 24, 2018 11:33 pm

    Nope. Don't think I ever could.

    GoldenScale August 24, 2018 11:35 pm
    Some people say it's just uncomfortable to meet someone online in real life. Wasn't it a bit awkward? phanni

    Could have been awkward, but the hardest part is to break the ice and start talking casually. That part went well for me since I'm not the shy and awkward type of person anymore. '^'

    phanni August 25, 2018 11:08 am
    Nope. Don't think I ever could. Peeves

    May I ask why?

    phanni August 25, 2018 11:09 am
    Could have been awkward, but the hardest part is to break the ice and start talking casually. That part went well for me since I'm not the shy and awkward type of person anymore. '^' GoldenScale

    Good for you! c: