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UHO UHO UHOOO!!! He's backkk!!

AnimeLover75 August 25, 2018 11:59 am

The king of gorillas is backkkk!!! Kondou san is finally back to his beloved shinsengumi and his Toshiiii and sogoo. Finally all the pieces have come together. Sakamoto and Takasugi and Zura and Gintoki of the Juoi four AND sogo, kondou and Toshiro Hijikata of the shinsengumi....all have come together to their respective people.....all thats left now is their rendezvou finally putting all the pieces together. Really hoping to get some more Toshi and Gin action moving forward <3 <3 <3 Still can't accept the fact that Gintama is coming to an end in just 4 or 5 more chapters heart can't take it....Love these guys soo much ( ̄へ ̄)
