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Sachi is Tetsu's first love but Yuki is his soulmate and great love! He is still young and...

Min August 29, 2018 9:54 pm

Sachi is Tetsu's first love but Yuki is his soulmate and great love! He is still young and yet he has this huge responsibility. A kid raising kid. And I have the feeling that he's not the real father. I mean, yes they did it once but there is still the probability that Raichi is not his son. And I have to agree with the other comments, at first, I thought the mother had the same age as Tetsu but it turned out she was 7 yrs older than him. I mean she should be the mature one! Why engaged in sex with a minor?! A middle school kid! Come on! Basically, she ruined his future! Ugh!

This story is relatable in some ways like having a child at such a young age, hiding your true self because you're scared that you might get rejected or not be accepted by people you love, insecurities and finding happiness.
