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My opinion

ARU August 30, 2018 12:21 am

I believed that every person has their own reasons for their behavior. But, certainly you are COMPLETELY responsible for your own actions an as a human being part of that is facing consequenses. So, he may not be sane but the decision he made independently of the state of his mind, he is the only one to blame and the only one that has to deal with the problem he himself created. But, that just what I think. You may say "no he is not okay he needs help my sweet honey"

Well. That's life. You are the one to blame for everything you do. Just face it. Accept it. Deal with it and finish it. Fin. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Trish.Nog. August 30, 2018 2:23 am

    Dude, you're awesome! I totally agree with your words here.

    ******@++++ August 30, 2018 3:12 am

    But that is no reason to ignore a cry for help.

    ARU August 30, 2018 4:26 am

    Help is always good. But it is also your fault if you don't ask for it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    XxJokerxX August 30, 2018 9:22 am
    Help is always good. But it is also your fault if you don't ask for it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ARU

    Sometimes, you just have to give them a hand to reach for. It's no use if the victim reach out his hand for help and no one take it, but instead just give him advices. Plus it' scarier since the victim got so much to lose.

    ARU August 30, 2018 9:31 pm

    Okay, here is the thing. It is not your responsability to help others. You decide if you want to do it. Life is like that, he needs help but nobody is in charge of the "helping party" he needs to deal with his problems himself because that is just how life is. However, he can ask for help, but again if nobody helps him he would need to face the problem himself. You don't have to help him. You can choose to help him.

    You can say "where is your humanity then?" well, nowadays people is trying really hard to help other people. But again they have to ask. No one is going to visit your house and say "ma'am I heard you wanted to kill yourself over the wall, I came to help", that's not how it works. You have to ASK for it. Otherwise if you killed yourself it is your fault, because it is what YOU decided to do. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Just think about it. If you killed yourself, the world is not going to stop and nobody apart from your family will care. You are just ruining your life, anybody else is going to be just completely fine. It is cruel, I know. But this is the world in which we live every damn day. You want to do something about it? Well, move your butt and try. There is a lot of people out there trying the same thing. Hopefully one day we are going to change something.

    XxJokerxX August 31, 2018 7:28 am

    It's not bad to empathise for other, just because that is how the world works does not means you have to follow it. How about you? Do you try to do something? Or are you too focus on your life to explore the world? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but maybe at least empathise.

    XxJokerxX August 31, 2018 7:46 am
    Okay, here is the thing. It is not your responsability to help others. You decide if you want to do it. Life is like that, he needs help but nobody is in charge of the "helping party" he needs to deal with his ... ARU

    You say it's YOU who decide your life, so you can decide to be more emphasising but you chose not to. Beside, if you live your whole life hearing others bad mouth about you, even if YOU try to take charge of YOUR own life, it's not going to erase the past, and you can't help but to think if they would like the new you even if you are just wearing a mask, because you know that is how the world work. So even if you manage to get more friends, you still will be tortured by the never-ending worries. Besides, do you really think that people actually asked to be born in a certain way or feel in a certain way? No one ask to have depression, no one wants to be depress, no one wants to rethink about the past and kept asking themselves if they have change for the better. No one kills themselves to get people to care, they do it to stop their suffering, you might think that is weakness, but that just shows how much they had endured before their breaking point.

    A lot of people bottle their worries because they felt no one will care, or they want to be a better person and not bother others with their problems, yes it's their choice, but do you really think they want it? You might not feel like it is, but these people made such a great sacrifice. Instead of whining about their problems out loud and bother others, they chose to keep quite and deal with it on their own, Just like what you said, they deal with it and move on, carrying the weight on their shoulders.

    So, even if they chose it, they DID NOT ask for it. No one ask for these kind of problems, but you can chose if you want to help or ignore. So are you going to be a better person and try to help? Or are you just going to ignore? Since the world is so cruel like you say, are you going to add onto the creulty?

    ARU September 3, 2018 1:55 am

    The thing you just said DO NOT CHANGE how the world works nowdays. When you are going through something shitty and you decide to be like " Oh, I don't deserved this. I should just end my life" The thing still the same. No one is here to be taking care of anyone beside themselves. You decide to do it. But still what happens with your life concerns no one else BUT YOU. It is you fault not to ask for help and guess what? That gives you consequenses and guess wha else? You have to deal with them. It's as simple as that, if you want someone to help you, you will ask. Babies cry for food and someone feeds them, am I wrong?

    But you can always help. Just do not confuse the whole consequense and deserved part. There are no excuses for anybody to get out of trouble for what they do. That's why this life is shitty, because we have to pay for what we do.

    To put this whole thing clear: The bottom guy went looking for his ex and stayed with him a whole week. What did he think would happend after that? He would gain a trophy or what? No. This whole thing was a decision he made. Independenly of the state of his emotios it is something HE DID. As I said before, the world is cruel and it look at us with the same eyes, it does not metter how sane we are. Well, after explaining the whole decision part what comes next? Oh, yeah. The consequense part, and what was his consequense? Well, it was awful and no one wanted him to go through that but it happend. Now, DO NOT CONFUSE CONSEQUENSES WITH DESERVING. He did not deserve that, no one does but that was his consequense and there is nothing we can do. We just gotta waint and see if he does something or if someone else goes and saves him.
    Do not confuse this. Life goes about this and we are trying to change it and it sucks like crapp that we are moving things so friking slow. But that is how it is going.

    This whole thing is something very serious. We do help but there is not enough people that think like us and wants the world to change. We gotta work on that.

    XxJokerxX September 4, 2018 5:24 pm

    1) Do you really think people kill themselves because they feel like they don't deserve it? Well, that just show how narrow minded you are. Everyone is suffering, those who kill themselves do that not because they feel like they don't deserve it, they just reached their breaking point. But this does not mean they are weak, this just show how much they have endured.

    2) Yes, it would be partially my fault if I did not asked for help. But can you imagine the fear they experience. You gave an example that a baby will be feed if they cry, but have you ever thought what if the baby if mute? A person so weighted down by worries and stressed is just like a mute baby, they can't. Even if they try. Slowly first by dropping hints but they need a push. They need a safety net.

    3) Even if they refuse do say anything, can't you at least appreciate how they accept to carry such a heavy weight on their shoulders?

    4) You say that there is no excuse for anyone to get out of the trouble they did. But have you thought that the only reason why that person was so afraid was because they were a victim of unjust cruelty, like bullying or trama? A man who live his whole life in an empty room would not know what is a waterfall even if it was right in front of it.

    5) Who are you to judge who is deserving of what?

    Beside Peach did not even went back to Zero, what are you talking about?

    ARU September 5, 2018 1:16 am

    1-First of all, no one talked about specific suicides reasons. The world is too big to have a specific reason. You need to understand that people make decision independenly of the state of their mind and it is something real. You made a decision next you have consequenses. As easy as that. Other thing, you are not weak or brave for your decisions. You are just responsible. As simple as that. I think you are mistaking something here and it's the whole helping part. There is people that would absolutely help you but you always have to take care of yourself first. It's not like I'm saying the world is gonna ignore you and you will end up killing yourself. No. Understand this better. You just have to be careful of your acting and by that what I mean is that you have to at least know that there's consequenses in your acts. Maybe I said this whole thing to harsh but jut get yourself a little bit of time to consider this whole thing better.

    2-I'm sorry to say this. But the state of your life is also a consequense. It can be your parents or the society fault but here is the thing. You still responsible of your life and what you do with it, because what would happen if you don't take care of yourself and make things better? You will lead your life to another consequense that might not be good. You talked about the mute baby. Well, we would know already that he is mute and we would take a special care for him. Because we would figure it out about his condition early.

    3-The whole point doesn't have to do with the topic. But yeah, I do appreciate people who go through so much. I really do and because I do, I understand so much things better about being careful with my own actions.

    4-In this case you just explained he did not act. He was the victim and even then, life is sometimes too cruel to make things better just because you are the victim. Haven't you heard that saying that "If you don't like something change it, and if you can't change it change your attitute" well, that is very difficult but sometimes that's the only way things can go. However, this whole thing also doesn't have to do a lot with the topic because we still talking about consequenses and actions. But I kind of understand where you were trying to go.

    5-I know my english is very crappy. Is also a consequense of me not knowing how to write in a foreign lenguage but I'm pretty sure I did not say anything about someone deserving something... Because I'm literally nobody to say anything. I also tried really hard to explain to you that deserving and consequenses were totally different things. Seems like you did not understand. Again it is probably a consequense of my crappy english. Sorry about that, I hope you can understand this better now.

    See? This is just another example of actions and consequenses. My action is not being an english native and the consequense is my crappy english, and even thou is not my fault. I have to deal with you not understanding.
    This came handy.

    I don't know who those people is. So... You just confused me a lot.

    Anyway, I wasn't trying to ofend you or something like that. I hope this whole thing is clear now.

    XxJokerxX September 5, 2018 3:12 am

    Well, doesn't matter, you are not going to change the view you believe in and I have chose to believe in another view, so let agree to disagree. Additionally, your english is quite good, it's been a while since I have debated like this, all my friends don't really talk about this kind of stuff, so yea thanks for giving me a chance.