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AgnamRevol September 2, 2018 2:18 am

Heck, i thought this was just a one shot but there's more!
Im kinda super into the characters?
Like the girls' a straight up self centred narcisistic B, but at the same time i get it. I get her deal. She's not malicious, or 'hates guys because of backstory' or just oberly tsundere kinda bad. She's like a normal girl who got too used to popularity. Shes overly cynical because she knows people can be bad because she knows herself (and her own bad personality). That level of self awareness is refreshing in shoujos.

The guy aint exactly a treat too. Its just funny seeing a manga about two trash people interact with one another. I dont even know if there'll be a romance between these two. They might just end up as friends and learn how not to be terrible people from each other (≧∀≦)
