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Its this thing still a good read?

candyMr September 3, 2018 9:17 am

I stop reading at chapter 75. And now i feel like continuing it. But after reading the comments in here. And peeking at the latest episode (Ch131) . It looks like the story is not going too well based on what i imagined. The protagonist is like addicted in sex and its not like him based what ive read previous chapters.

    alyanqyh September 25, 2018 1:27 pm

    really?! is chp.1-chp.75 good?but why did u stop reading? is it becus u were bored or something?? cus i was 'wanting to read' this.....but since u commented like this.. i have to think twice HAHAH (=・ω・=)

    candyMr September 25, 2018 6:48 pm

    HAHAHA its not what you think it is. I was hoping this series has a romance on it specially to the girl with him when they were in the mountains. I ship them but. Idk what is happening in the latest chapters hahahhaaha . Dont get me wrong.