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SPOILER ! ! Itsuki is indeed a cheating doosh. I've read up to Chapter 3, and geez, I ...

ren September 4, 2018 8:21 pm


Itsuki is indeed a cheating doosh. I've read up to Chapter 3, and geez, I really want to slap the living daylights out of Itsuki. Granted they're not together anymore, but this jerk has the nerve to openly flirt with their classmates , always in front of Michishige-san. Good thing, Michi doesn't seem to care.... no, really, she doesn't, because she's crushing on her fellow class representative Tanaka-kun. However, on Chapter 3, it seems that Itsuki is helping Michi to get together with Tanaka.... sadly, Tanaka is eyeing another classmate, Satou-san/

Itsuki, it seems , is feeling some kind of pity towards Michi... and luckily or not, they are forced to stay together during the night candle event (instead of bonfire ) at their camping excursion. They end up planning a class reunion during the Golden Week......

I can't wait for the next chapters/

Since Itsuki and Michi are on the cover of the manga, I'm assuming they will be the endgame.

Problem is, Itsuki really is a cheating jerk. I don't think he deserves Michi.
