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So I just wanna say that this manhwa was about control. If you can't see a dom and sub rel...

i.gasai September 5, 2018 4:40 am

So I just wanna say that this manhwa was about control. If you can't see a dom and sub relationship then you're high. Cho-ul may have been reserved but how does that imply she was asexual? She was very assertive and sorry but let's get real she had GAME. And I say this as a sub bordering on M. Which is why people saying she's asexual pisses me off so much. Bc she is the perfect dom. Reserved, aloof, mysterious. As a sub you want to move her but you can't. And therein lies the thrill!! The way she teases and embarrassed Ju-ah. No wonder there were so many doki doki moments. I think people saying she's asexual need to either re-read the manhwa or maybe question whether you really are asexual. Bc Cho-ul didn't come across as just the cuddling type to me, sorry.

    HayaH September 5, 2018 1:55 pm

    Gray hair, gray (a)sexuality.