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cute but the ending was just stupid. She's standing and talking and yet somehow the stairs...

^_^ September 28, 2013 6:05 am

cute but the ending was just stupid. She's standing and talking and yet somehow the stairs moved beneath her feet and she fell.

    Winters January 13, 2014 1:30 pm

    she taking a step backwards, that is why she fell

    corali January 10, 2016 11:59 pm
    she taking a step backwards, that is why she fell @Winters

    agree with you the ending was just stupid and the worst ever, and harlequin call this "happy ending"?, and all its novels or shoujos, the ending suck, happy ending only for the jerk, egoistic man, not for the woman, who always is weak, insecure, without pride, and take violence.
    no jerk man get punishment.

    corali January 11, 2016 1:17 am

    agree with you the ending was just stupid and the worst ever, and harlequin call this "happy ending"?, and all its novels or shoujos, the ending suck, happy ending only for the jerk, egoistic man, not for the woman, who always is weak, insecure, without pride, and take violence.
    no jerk man get punishment.