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I don't really know why, but I love Kousuke. I know that a lot of you you think he's the w...

LadyNoir September 8, 2018 9:25 pm

I don't really know why, but I love Kousuke. I know that a lot of you you think he's the worst person alive in the world, avoiding all the insult that would be too many, but I love him. In my personal opinion, I don't think he's that bad, and I don't think he really "hates" Nol. I don't mean he loves him, but I think he "cares" a bit for him. He's behavior may be like this 'cause of his father but I think he can change and be a better person. I would really like Shin Ae to end up with him, but I know that it won't happen since she will surely end up with Nol or she'll stay single.

I have a question though: why his family "hates" him? This is a think I don't understand...

    LazyBunny September 11, 2018 12:52 am

    Well, I also like Kousuke but I’m very aware of how mean and selfish he is, I’m not going to paint the whole thing trying to justify his horrible behaviour towards Nol. But I have this theory that consists in Kousuke not being the legitimate son of that old man. Maybe that’s because he tries so hard to be worthy of his spot on the family/company, and also that may be one of the reasons why he is so mean towards his brother. He may think “I don’t have time for distractions, get oyt of here” or he may be jealous that Nol doesn’t even need to try his best because he is a legitimate son. But I’m sure that horrible woman it’s all to blame, maybe she puts all that pressure in my baby, but that same baby needs to start being braver and more independent

    LazyBunny September 11, 2018 12:58 am

    and I don’t think his father hates Nol. Maybe he’s just cold, maybe he was more affectionate when Nol’s mother was around. But I’m pretty sure Kousuke mother actually hates my readhead baby, she despise him. It may be because it’s a big reminder that his husband had another woman before her

    LadyNoir September 11, 2018 10:50 am
    Well, I also like Kousuke but I’m very aware of how mean and selfish he is, I’m not going to paint the whole thing trying to justify his horrible behaviour towards Nol. But I have this theory that consists ... LazyBunny

    Wait: I thought the one illegitimate was Nol, not Kousuke because he's older that Nol but now you're making me wonder... I don't think that he's jealous because Nol don't need to work hard, since his father doesn't like the fact that he won't do anything for the company. I'm not against your theory since we don't know who is right. But if like you said, Kousuke was the illegitimate one and the bald witch doesn't really like fact that he had a woman before her, why the hell they're still together? Just to save face? That's something that is bothering me... and another thing, thd chapter of thebpool, when the bald witch and the man made eye contact... wth man! I think you understand a bit what might had happened! And I completely agree with you in the end

    LadyNoir September 11, 2018 10:53 am
    and I don’t think his father hates Nol. Maybe he’s just cold, maybe he was more affectionate when Nol’s mother was around. But I’m pretty sure Kousuke mother actually hates my readhead baby, she despise... LazyBunny

    I really hope that Nol will find his happines because he deserve much more than a shitty father and a bald witch...Kousuke mother HATES Nol! Infact she never calls him by his name, but kid and that's something I can't stand!