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Sensei is really a master, and the story is going excellent as well. But I realized someth...

Allen is really cute September 9, 2018 11:48 am

Sensei is really a master, and the story is going excellent as well. But I realized something devastating. There are no female characters anymore. Linali, who with Allen was my fav, isn´t existing anymore. Johnny, a side character, seems to have taken her main role. Also, she drastically changed. She was awesome, a badass, and now, she is doing really nothing but to cry and worry about others. I miss the old Linali.

I am so fucking sick of this mangas with almost only male characters. D gray man turned into one, even though the style and story are still amazing. I always wondered why even female manga drawers have so few female characters. The same in Fullmetal Alchemist. I realized it´s because people usually don´t read female centered mangas. Why? Not even girls and women do. Why? Is it because of internalized misogyny or because girls want cute boys to ship with each other?
I guess it´s both.

It´s so sad. These women literally have to draw less and less female characters for their stories to be taken serious.

Sigh. I stick to Claymore.

    Shindere September 13, 2018 9:49 am

    Words alone cannot describe the depths of stupidity and hypocrisy that has been spilled on this comment. This is what happens when people don't take a step back to get a closer look at themselves first before they judge others.

    You talk about misogyny. You talk about how other people judge a character not by the content of their person but by their sex and gender. Yet, you yourself diss on this manga, not because it is bad, but simply because there is no female characters in it. You're doing the same thing as the people you hate.

    Speaking for myself, I could careless if Allen and Kanda or Johnny is a boy or a girl. Fact is, their characters are good and solid and that's why people like them. Not because they're male characters but because they're good characters.

    The fact that Linalee's character has become a damsel in distress has nothing to do with people's misogyny. Had her character stayed good and people still dislike her character, that's when you can say that it's misogyny. But that is clearly not the case here.

    Let my break the truth to you. The author isn't force to draw male characters in order for their work to be taken seriously. The author is force to draw male characters because she clearly can't draw a good female character.

    Anonymous October 3, 2018 4:27 pm
    Words alone cannot describe the depths of stupidity and hypocrisy that has been spilled on this comment. This is what happens when people don't take a step back to get a closer look at themselves first before t... Shindere

    "Yet, you yourself diss on this manga, not because it is bad, but simply because there is no female characters in it. "
    Are you just acting dumb or are you really THAT dumb? Try critical thinking. What I was describing is OBVIOUSLY a cultural problem. *You* could care less about the sex of Kanda, Johnny or others, but it doesn´t mean it´s not relevant to talk about the fact that the vast majority of manga lead characters are male.

    The question we need to ask is: Why?

    Shindere October 4, 2018 10:06 am
    "Yet, you yourself diss on this manga, not because it is bad, but simply because there is no female characters in it. "Are you just acting dumb or are you really THAT dumb? Try critical thinking. What I was des... @Anonymous

    (>ლ). Someone, kill this person with fire before she infects other people with her stupidity. Just reading what you said makes me feel like I lost brain cells.

    Let me explain your logic to you in a very simple terms so that even someone as stupid as you can understand.

    You said that you hate people who discriminate against manga that has less male characters in it. Yet you yourself are discriminating against D.Gray Man because there are less female characters in it. Like the people you hate, you are discriminating a manga not because it is bad but because of the sex of the characters in it. Like the people you hate, you are a sexist who discriminate against a character's sex. Yet you find nothing wrong with that. Just because you're discriminating against men, to you, that somehow makes it right.

    This is why I hate talking to most feminist. When something is unfair against them, they make a big deal out of it. But when they have the advantage, they stay quiet and feign ignorance as though it is fair. That's because to them, discriminating against women is a crime and discriminating against men is justice.

    Shindere October 4, 2018 1:12 pm
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    Shut Hell
    Seirei no Moribito
    The Third
    Murder Princess
    Kiba no Tabishounin - The Arms Peddler
    Dark Air
    Black Lagoon
    Deus x Machina
    Gunslinger Girl
    Gate 7
    Spirit Circle

    Shindere October 4, 2018 1:15 pm
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    Good characters are good regardless of their sex.

    Shindere October 5, 2018 6:31 am
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    Yeah I know.

    Shindere October 7, 2018 6:36 am
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    I wasn't trying to put it like anything. Just stating a fact that we both already agreed to. A simple "agreed" reply would have suffice.

    Shindere October 8, 2018 10:51 am
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    I thought you wanted some recommendation. They not to your liking?

    Shindere October 9, 2018 7:58 am
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    In other words, to you, having a good female character is secondary to the art style. Personally speaking, I think Dark Air satisfied that. But I guess you haven't taken a look at it yet.

    Shindere October 9, 2018 10:03 pm
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    Yes. You say that you wish for the manga to be directed like Shounen ones.

    Shindere October 10, 2018 8:09 am
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    In my personal opinion, Dark Air is better than Claymore. In terms of story delivery, Claymore relies too much on plot device like character narrating. And at times, it feels like the power level of Claymore is inconsistent. Not to mention that Dark Air story line deals with ideology of a much greater scale. But if that is what you like then by all means. You sticking to your Claymore and I sticking to my Dark Air.

    Pandora1link December 16, 2018 11:18 pm

    Boop. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    Chill, ladies.

    Shindere December 17, 2018 4:28 am
    Boop. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づChill, ladies. Pandora1link

    I'm a guy BTW.