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Vinde September 10, 2018 11:57 am

Oh no, dont tell me Michiru's dad is fated with Matsuo. Ahhhhh, the agony of not knowing. I really wish they sold this manga in English, slowly gaiving up and considering learning Japanese so I can at least get those Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Diayd September 10, 2018 12:42 pm

    I know....I feel you , I'm trying to learn Japanese but is really hard to keep up.

    mossycheeks September 10, 2018 12:46 pm

    you're... speak out my thoughts!! NO!! NEVER!! IT'S TOO HARSH FOR YUKI!!! PLS PROTECT OUT YUKI!!!

    Lil kurokocchi September 10, 2018 12:49 pm

    wait I'm confused isn't michiru's dad an alpha?
    what about yuki?

    Ria September 10, 2018 12:56 pm
    wait I'm confused isn't michiru's dad an alpha? what about yuki? Lil kurokocchi

    The dad is an omega.
    And I'm not sure about yuki, maybe he's a beta. I forgot

    Lil kurokocchi September 10, 2018 1:02 pm
    The dad is an omega. And I'm not sure about yuki, maybe he's a beta. I forgot Ria

    ok thanks! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    langchimaple September 10, 2018 1:04 pm

    ┗( T﹏T )┛ What's happening??

    Princess_bubblegum September 10, 2018 1:18 pm

    wait... wait... isn't Hiromu's fated partner Masaki... why is he having reactions toward the omega neighbor dad in the chapter 5 raws...

    biba September 10, 2018 1:34 pm

    I think he's fated with masaki's husband┗( T﹏T )┛dunno I don't understand Japanese (I hope I'm mistaken though ╥﹏╥ )

    JenniP September 10, 2018 1:42 pm

    I think Hiro’s having reactions just because he’s an alpha, not because he’s fated to michiru’s dad. Cause in most omegaverses I’ve read alphas react to heat whether it’s their fated pair or not.

    tezukayuki September 10, 2018 1:49 pm
    wait... wait... isn't Hiromu's fated partner Masaki... why is he having reactions toward the omega neighbor dad in the chapter 5 raws... Princess_bubblegum

    i think its just his reaction to the alpha person since he hate alpha in the past???~ and he didnt want michi have the same experience with alpha too~ i have read it until chapter 6 only see the picture though not read the japanesse~ i hope someone translate this fast!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    mishiranu_bito September 10, 2018 4:37 pm

    If everyone dont mind spoiler i can give rough translation for chpt 5-6

    langchimaple September 10, 2018 7:00 pm
    If everyone dont mind spoiler i can give rough translation for chpt 5-6 mishiranu_bito

    Yes please

    mishiranu_bito September 11, 2018 3:04 am

    Fortunatelly michi's dad not hiromu san fate one. Michi's dad dont like alpha and think that no alpha around masaki thus he trust michi to masaki. But then he saw bite mark on masaki neck then it click that hikari's dad most likely an alpha. He become worried and then hiromu come home. Finally they meet and its almost the time that otousyan' (this is what hikarin called michi's dad) heat come right, so his pheromone got stronger and it hit hiromu san. Hiromu told yuuki to go meet matsuo san outside and bring hikari and hina. Otosyan told that he hate alpha and he had no idea that masa husband an alpha and start to ask about people around michi now (hikarin,hina,matsu,yuuki and matsu twin bro) whether they are alpha too. Otosyan got really worried and hug michi and told that they wont come over again and dont want to be friend with masaki and the other and then go home.

    Masa go to hiromu san (in the middle of masa and otosyan talk, hiromu go to 2nd floor to cool his head down). Hiromu san shower himself with cold water and masa come then hug hiromu san. They talk there how masa feel bad because he know hiromu really dont want got hit or acting like other alpha just because there is an omega who have strong pheromone near.

    Michi never go play with hikarin again. It makes hikari sad and then masa said they should talk to otosyan and michi to convey their feeling.hikarin even make stars from folding origami as a present for michi and otosyan.

    Otosyan and michi go to park and then meet yuuki who on his way to matsu's home. He told otosyan that he is beta then they talk about how otosyan hate alpha and otosyan a bit different because he has stronger pheromone than other omega and since he dont have pair( his wife died) his phoromone got stonger than before. He worried that alpha might attack him/michi or something like that so he dont want to meet with masa family & friend again. He really want to protect michi. After talk about this yuuki part with otosyan and then masa & fam turn up.

    This time masa convey that not all alpha bad but still otosyan dont want michi become friend again with them. Then hikari talk with sad face that he really want to play with michi. He even cried and told that he really like michi and then offer his present so otosyan will allow michi to play with him again. Michi go to hikarin and said thanks while patting hikarin head. And then otosyan give in and allow michi to play with hikarin & family again.

    The end of chapter show that they are happy, michi & otosyan come over to celebrate christmas and the uninvited friend (twins and gramps) come too and make hiromu san annoyed.

    There is an extra chapter. Its about hiro san come home and see none home and none answering phone. The auto answer from his parents telling him that hikarin & hina with them.Hiro go to their room and see masa on his heat. Masa masturbate while hugging hiro'shirt then hiro said its been a while that its just only them at home so hiro suggest that they should have a looooot of sex. The gramps while holding hina(or maybe hikarin i forgot) wondering whether they will get another grandchild and wondering about the future grandchild gender (i think gramps and grandma intentionally let masa and hiro alone while masa on heat)

    langchimaple September 11, 2018 3:39 am
    Spoiler...............Fortunatelly michi's dad not hiromu san fate one. Michi's dad dont like alpha and think that no alpha around masaki thus he trust michi to masaki. But then he saw bite mark on masaki neck ... mishiranu_bito

    Thanks a lot,the plot was unexpected, lol, I love the gramps and I'm a bit disappointed that there was no further


    development for Matsuo and Yuki

    Lil kurokocchi September 11, 2018 4:42 am
    Thanks a lot,the plot was unexpected, lol, I love the gramps and I'm a bit disappointed that there was no further .....................................development for Matsuo and Yuki langchimaple


    Lil kurokocchi September 11, 2018 4:42 am
    Spoiler...............Fortunatelly michi's dad not hiromu san fate one. Michi's dad dont like alpha and think that no alpha around masaki thus he trust michi to masaki. But then he saw bite mark on masaki neck ... mishiranu_bito

    thank you!

    Vinde September 11, 2018 11:55 am
    wait... wait... isn't Hiromu's fated partner Masaki... why is he having reactions toward the omega neighbor dad in the chapter 5 raws... Princess_bubblegum

    I had a feeling about that since the first time Michiru's dad appeared, but they've suffered enough, I didn't want to consider more for them. I'm in denial, and I havent had time to find raws. And I was like, "Matsuo is an alpha too, maybe it's his rxn", lol Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    mishiranu_bito September 11, 2018 12:56 pm
    Thanks a lot,the plot was unexpected, lol, I love the gramps and I'm a bit disappointed that there was no further .....................................development for Matsuo and Yuki langchimaple

    Ur welcome :)

    I think matsu and yuuki got development but i dont really remember the details so i didnt mention it before

    I dont really remember but i think yuuki go to matsu home (matsu family home) because his mom/dad invite him. I guess the twins tell their parents and then the parents want to know more about yuuki. Yuuki mom too very excited when she knows yuuki will go to matsu home and told yuuki to bring snack. She even excited when yuuki told maybe he will stay over at matsu home if he come home late but again, i am not really sure because i read this part before sleep

    mishiranu_bito September 11, 2018 12:57 pm
    thank you! Lil kurokocchi

    Your welcome :)