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Bruh this is not manga related but I just want to know what you guys think. Please need advice

勝悦 September 12, 2018 3:56 am

So I've been studyin for 3 semesters and in all this time I've always thought that I don't give one fuck about what I'm studying. I feel clueless most of the time in classes thinking "who the fuck even cares about this shit" I'll admit that yes, I've learned a couple of things,

But it's all for the sake of my parents... I honestly don't know what to do, I kinda wanted another career but since I'm a complete idiot in this one I'm not so sure I'll be able to do well in the career that I thought I wanted .

Why am I complete idiot? Well I have to read a lot, the topics are just not appealing to me, furthermore I don't understand much while my classmates seem to be doing just fine, they express so well and their arguments are so good... While I'm a potato that doesn't even dare to open its mouth on classes because if I do I'll say something stupid or out of the question ( yes it has happened more than once before so I just shut up)

I've been thinking of dropping out ... I've been thinking on suck it and continue, I've been thinking on working and reunite money so I can try and study what I thought I wanted (that career is given in another city, and only in that city) but I'm afraid of doing it and finding that I actually don't like it.... I just don't know what to do...

Everyone keeps telling me that I should continue studying ( since the uni I'm in is quite recognized in the whole country) ... But I just don't like it, and I'm not competent enough....

What do I study: English education
What I thought I wanted to study: translating and interpreting

Man do you have any advice, have you been in this kind of existencial crisis?
Sorry for the long ass post I just wrote maybe some things are missing but I hope you get the idea.

    Cell_Hacker September 12, 2018 4:34 am

    You should do something that makes YOU happy not for others, because it's you're life and your going to live it not your parents or your friends. Instead of dropping out maybe switch courses or colleges or do what you think will make you the most happiest but dont do anything rash think about it with an open mind. Take an afternoon to think about it by yourself then ask a friend or your parents for their advice because maybe they might have a great idea. But overall do what would make you the happiest and do it for yourself!

    勝悦 September 12, 2018 5:01 am
    You should do something that makes YOU happy not for others, because it's you're life and your going to live it not your parents or your friends. Instead of dropping out maybe switch courses or colleges or do w... Cell_Hacker

    I've asked for advice but dumb me always regrets decisions and ends up backing off... But it's true that I haven't thought really well about what would make me happy, thank you for answering me, I'll try follow your advice and think a little more about it.

    Silver September 12, 2018 5:34 am
    I've asked for advice but dumb me always regrets decisions and ends up backing off... But it's true that I haven't thought really well about what would make me happy, thank you for answering me, I'll try follow... 勝悦

    Well don't take my word for it, but I am sort of about to go into the same situation. I'm entering a renowned uni to study what my parents want, but the thing I want to study is only taught in another city. So I'll just tell you the thought path I'm taking. I think that i'll regret not making the leap to study what I want. I mean after all, It's my life, and is going to be long after I'm fully independent from my parents. Then, I'm gonna be the one stuck with a job I hate thatch the sole purpose of my life, not my parents. If I do fail after going after what I want (and I'm also very scared that I will!!) well then, that's that. I might regret it a bit, but I am sure I would regret it alot more if I hadn't even tried. At least now, 10 years from now, I won't be sitting in an office or clinic or whatever thinking "Oh God what if..?" And its also possible that I would go and discover a new passion that hadn't known before while chasing after my dream.But do take your time making the decision, because I honestly know just how hard decision making is. I was stuck on this problem for 2 years. -_- then I thought u knw what? fuk it. So.. ^ haha I hope this helps!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Mightaswellasin September 12, 2018 5:57 am

    maybe try and see if your current school has some courses with interpretation and translation. I mean you could still major in english because it's really helpful with building skills for analyzing documents, and critical thinking and if you take a concentration or a minor in a language then that could maybe be a compromise instead of dropping out.
    And i see that your majoring in english education and I actually know some (like myself) who are majoring in it but dont want to teach but they have some minors and etc. heck you can even take workshops or self study and take tests for certifications. I know right now I added writing and rhetoric concentration on mine because it had more writing in the real world thats not just the usual analyze this old literature path english majors usually take and Im tired and pretty broke but i guess my advantage AND disadvantage is that no one really cared about what i was studying as long as i was in school. I mean my mom sort of filled my brain with just making money so I was in stem for a bit (nearly suffocated) but you can make money in anything really so I was a biology major before I went to english, writing and minoring in history (I like old buildings and shit).
    Gosh hopefully i didnt lose ya in my ramblings, but really do what you think is best for yourself and for the future and be proud of whatever path you end up taking.

    勝悦 September 12, 2018 12:40 pm
    Well don't take my word for it, but I am sort of about to go into the same situation. I'm entering a renowned uni to study what my parents want, but the thing I want to study is only taught in another city. So ... Silver

    I'm glad you have that kind of vision, you're so brave! I hope one day I'm able to do the same and try , thank u for answering

    勝悦 September 12, 2018 12:44 pm
    maybe try and see if your current school has some courses with interpretation and translation. I mean you could still major in english because it's really helpful with building skills for analyzing documents, a... Mightaswellasin

    Actually my uni does have translation courses but I gotta pay for them 'cause they're not the base courses of the career ( they're like free courses, for fun , but I guess it's better than nothing).... Hmmm I guess I'll give it some thought and see if I can afford them in the future thank you for your words :) !