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Wow, hope she hasnt been used by asami

Sharni September 12, 2018 4:59 pm

That is cruel i dont think she broke the family up, or the mom wouldnt light up to his song, something happened, the album was probly at his house and she has had a thing for her since meeting her dad, there was a reason she opened up and caused a disturbance. i dont see this relationship going smoothly, i sware if they do a time jump or some long distance or disapearing crap ill cry, so tired of that, been awhile since ive been so into a story, and i regret reading it without It being finished, i think its complete bullshit that yaoi takes over 80% of the translators, like they do the crap as released, but everything else is fucking years old and just finally translated. forget recent stuff. lets make sure people can enjoy boys shove it in each other or just blackmail rape. i dont mind the off one, in real life most yaoi are just way off the mark. like yeah you can totally ram a raw dick in a guys butt any time of the day, and guess what they normally have inch long pube. i saw one were they did clean themself, but even then its not sure fire. two men having sex is never out of the blue romantic. like its prepare and grunts, uncomfy positions. hell yaoi makes me angry. having sex with the same flow as regular couples and lesbian couples. getting shit everywhere and showing the true horrors of romance in yaoi would i guess be boring hairy men and all. atleast most yuri have a flower like feeling to them ah i die for that. plus some drama great character designs.

    trinityanne September 30, 2018 6:05 pm

    ok first off your description of yaoi is straight up spot on i honestly find how 99.999% of all yaoi is written to be entirely bullshit and needlessly puts rape as the main way that one guy gets with the other now that that is out of the way when it comes to this manga i honestly think that the author did a very good job up till chapter 7 and seeing as how i have not been about to find anything else on this ie more chapter translated or not i am also quite unsatisfied with this atm as well

    trinityanne September 30, 2018 6:15 pm

    never mind i did manage to find a raw of this it has 3 more chapters that still need translated which i wish some translator would hurry up and finish working on however at this point in time i will not hold my breathe at all on that ever happening because as you also stated yaoi gets priority over yuri for some really fucked up reason

    Sharni October 1, 2018 10:58 am

    Well girls rather look at guys also yuri i feel may be too real for most readers East and West, as being gay isnt something most would want real life feelings on and content i only realised this recently. For one a man and woman can practically have sex anytime no needing for planning, same with two woman. Also two woman seems to have this added layer of sexual intensity and passion. Sadly most gay men get a shot draw as they have to clean and even then no matter how much you clean you just cant, ruins the run in door and passion moments, shit as you mostly will need to check with the person if it has been done. just is short it has a fantasy feel in manga as Japan isnt a really individualized sociaty and with the west most just see gay anything messed up. or just gay men wishful thinking and straight woman authors probably want over cute guys that look like a man and wifie look lol. but i enjoy yuri for the passion and the real life feel of drama. there are tons to tons of endless ones that i wont get to read unto i learn to read Japanese

    trinityanne October 1, 2018 5:20 pm
    Well girls rather look at guys also yuri i feel may be too real for most readers East and West, as being gay isnt something most would want real life feelings on and content i only realised this recently. For o... Sharni

    well i love reading yuri and shojo ai as well as gender bender and honestly i will likely never be able to really stomach yaoi but then again i also am the parent of a very out and proud lesbian who is happily married so i guess i am also kind of biased in that regard as well but then again most of my friends are gay or at least bi

    Sharni October 2, 2018 2:01 pm

    you wouldn't be her friend if you were apart of the crowd i mentioned, people kick lgbt out the families. i honestly enjoy related relationship manga also its always got that natural drama, it made me end up researching a lot into that subject out of interest. people once again made something out blown out the water, like kids arent even a problem from them but bad media and blown out studies cause peoples stupid. my friend always said a valid conversation on a subject cant start with i feel. i also say using research from people that use only the worst possible out comes, saying a child will follow the parents lead is bull shit as it comes also. brother sister have kids no chance it will turn that way as families dont enforce it like centenarys ago. same as saying gay parents will turn the child gay, the only thing it will turn them into is someone that looks at gay people in the same eyes as everyone else they look at. born not even realizing the hate for it. now before you reply that bro sis babies cause defected ones. its something they can can test for in the woman, as to know if they hold a genetic problem. otherwise they have practically the same chance as any couple of a defective child. the only thing defective is the lies people create off miss information. like Tesla was laughed out the science field due to not wanting to join Edison and the companies wanting to mass produce a products to charge a ton of money, he stood his ground wanting free energy. if they didnt make him into a laughing stock we wouldnt just be starting to see his research taken serious, but it is still very limited to what the world allow. i read that the tech to have a box in your house that powers everything wireless exists but the no cables and such just having a globe in the radius causes it to glow, all you would need is a way to disrupt the wireless flow to certain lights. a computer never needing to be plugged in or phone charged tv ac all run on a box that can last i think he said a hundred years. governments make to much money to allow that. in Japan there is a city with free WiFi you can hook up to free wifi in the whole of that citys reach i forgot the name and its a decent sized one with gb speed. never need to pay internet in that place haha

    mira March 27, 2019 5:40 am

    I understand and share similar thoughts. Everywhere I look at may it be webtoon or manga, it's all yaoi this yaoi that. It would've been fine if the relationships aren't toxic shit but no, most of the characters are stuck in an abusive relationship that for some reason they find romantic and all the other things you guys already mentioned.

    It pisses me off that most webtoon apps has a bl or yaoi tag but there is no way to filter for Yuri unless the author adds the tag in the title of the comic itself which most don't do so you'll have to check every comic just to find a Yuri one.

    However, good news for everyone, dynasty scans is the only manga place I found that mainly centers on Yuri manga so I recommend checking on there if you need more.

    That said though, there's still so little Yuri being made compared to other genres and that makes me sad.

    trinityanne March 27, 2019 6:52 am
    I understand and share similar thoughts. Everywhere I look at may it be webtoon or manga, it's all yaoi this yaoi that. It would've been fine if the relationships aren't toxic shit but no, most of the character... mira

    i agree with you about the toxic part i mean for fucks sake most BL manga and webtoons start out with the smaller guy getting raped by the larger guy . also i agree the amount of yuri being produced compared to the amount of BL is staggering and really needs some balancing out