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does anyone else know any other manga as cute and fluffy as this?

Water574 September 14, 2018 8:28 pm

like this was cute and hot at the same time? anyone got some recommendations for similar manga to this?

as someone else said, "The author didn't try to effiminate the characters so much and it's such a breath of fresh air in the yaoi world. I love how they are awkward, cute and thoughtful for each other. Demonstarting a healthy relationship that both ukes and semes are treated equally" anything like this?

Sakuragi sensei was one of the first I read years ago, and I think to read something so recent is really amazing to see how sensei's art style has developed and I love it. more of this please !!

    Hien September 14, 2018 10:30 pm

    Try other stuff by the same mangaka! Mostly cute fluff