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The ending was fascinating

Mameiha September 15, 2018 2:45 am

And I doubt anyone, particularly young readers, noticed it. The relationship dynamic between the two protagonists had shifted 180°. The uke ran the show and the seme was the one following and taking orders. The uke became confident, but not cruel like the seme was when they started and the seme mellowed out and accepted the uke's guidance without hesitation. This is a beautiful story depicting how having someone who loves you, and whom you love in return can change even the worst past into a future where happiness can be found and enjoyed.

    Blubeagle September 15, 2018 7:52 am

    I wasn't sure that I would like it at first, especially when it seemed that dark-haired kun was being mean and manipulative, but it turned out far better than I thought. I actually felt sorry for the crazy mother. She was a trip. Cat-san is my favorite character.

    Mameiha September 15, 2018 9:21 am
    I wasn't sure that I would like it at first, especially when it seemed that dark-haired kun was being mean and manipulative, but it turned out far better than I thought. I actually felt sorry for the crazy m... Blubeagle

    I liked P-chan too. Pi Pi like a little bird! LOL At first, all I could think about the dark haired guy was, "I wouldn't go near him even if his dick were made of solid gold, dipped in chocolate and ejaculated diamonds!" He seemed horrible, but then, as the story progressed, you could see that he never really did anything truly terrible to the uke. He never made him do anything illegal, like stealing or selling himself, and it seemed like the uke needed to escape from his environment as much as the seme needed to escape from his own. The ending was perfect though. The change in their relationship was subtle and you'd miss it if you don't know what to look for, but the theme that "one stable love in your life can change everything about you" really struck a chord with me. I married the stable love in my life who changed me. So, it really hit home for me.

    Blubeagle September 15, 2018 9:50 am
    I liked P-chan too. Pi Pi like a little bird! LOL At first, all I could think about the dark haired guy was, "I wouldn't go near him even if his dick were made of solid gold, dipped in chocolate and ejaculated ... Mameiha

    Mameiha, I totally understand. I married my stability and safe place too. In fact, we just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary on the 13th! He whisked me away for a few days for my present!

    Blubeagle September 15, 2018 10:26 am
    I liked P-chan too. Pi Pi like a little bird! LOL At first, all I could think about the dark haired guy was, "I wouldn't go near him even if his dick were made of solid gold, dipped in chocolate and ejaculated ... Mameiha

    Ps: I really appreciate your manga recommendations.

    Mameiha September 15, 2018 10:31 am
    Mameiha, I totally understand. I married my stability and safe place too. In fact, we just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary on the 13th! He whisked me away for a few days for my present! Blubeagle

    Congratulations! It's so wonderful when you can have your lover, best friend and husband all rolled into one incredible package. I wish you and your husband many more delightful years together. My husband and I will celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary on the 23 of this month as well. Next year, I will have been with him for as many years as I was without him before we met. And three years ago he was with me for as long as he was without me before we met. LOL Jeez we were so young!! LMAO

    Mameiha September 15, 2018 10:32 am
    Ps: I really appreciate your manga recommendations. Blubeagle

    You're welcome. I'm glad we share the same tastes.

    Blubeagle September 15, 2018 10:51 am
    You're welcome. I'm glad we share the same tastes. Mameiha

    I chuckled at your response! I totally relate! I am happy to call you my friend!