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Ahhh this is so sadd T^T i just kept on crying because of the ending, im such a cry baby �...

Anonymous September 16, 2018 9:10 am

Ahhh this is so sadd T^T i just kept on crying because of the ending, im such a cry baby . But it was.. too sad. And then i remebered the "iron flat" and it reminded me of my cat who didnt come home and my dad called my mum in the morning just before we were about to leave for school and said. "I saw a cat on the road but im not sure if its ours" it was on speaker so i rushed out and i saw a dead body. But it kind of looked like a dead crow or something. So i got relieved, but still ran up to it just in case. But there i saw my cat lying there, her head had been flatenned like a pancake. And i instantly burst into tears. My bro came rushing out and was like is it her? I screamed its her! Its Devo! (My cats name) he was like no way it cant be, you're lying. But i desperatly screamed at him "im not lying. Its her!" Then while i was crying a car ran over her right in front of my eyes. And her body like jumped up a bit and flopped down. Saddest experience in my life. ( though this experience isnt as bad as others i know)
