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I understand..

Kaiberry September 18, 2018 2:18 am

I do understand that posting this on here is hurting the Author but at the same time.. people need to have a broader understanding that I and no one can not support every author. There are tons and tons of wonderful artists of both manhua and manga that I and everyone can simply not support every one. I do buy chapters but I can not buy all of them, it's just not realistic. I feel like posting their works on them also gives them more of an audience. If it wasn't for this site, I wouldn't have known most works that I've read so far. There are both positive and negative effects of having their works posted on sites like this one. I understand that the Artist does not like not getting paid for their work but.. she's not the only Artist out there. I and many others simply can not support every one. Like I stated before, I do buy chapters.. just not all of them.

    Ryoko Nicole September 18, 2018 2:38 am

    That's honestly very flawed logic...

    When you go to the mall or store shopping...and you like a lot of things...but can't afford it you start stuffing everything into your purse/bag anyway? Do you tell the store manager, "Look, I do purchase things when I can, but right now I can't/this is too expensive for me, I'm taking it anyway, thanks!"

    I'm curious. All of these author's aren't asking for your support. I'm pretty sure they're okay if you don't read their work...if you're not paying for it.

    Sadly, it's a common misconception that "broader audience" is actually positive...

    What does a ""more of an audience" do in equation of a paycheck to feed themselves and their family? You like myself and others, do you go and hear about a new story, and automatically go to look on how you can [buy] it or do you go to see if it's on mangago, myreadingmanga etc?

    Having more of an audience doesn't = money. And people need money to live and support themselves, and to feel like they've reaped the benefits of their hard work.

    I don't know if you're a minor or adult...but (if) you're an would you feel if your boss said, "Hey! We aren't going to pay you this month BUT, just know we here at work, really really like you & your efforts here at work, and we appreciate all you do." *inserts pat on the back*

    How do you think that'd play out for you?

    Idk where this entitlement comes from where it's like "I can't afford it, so give me."

    When in real life...if you can't afford it...don't you not get it? Or you save...until you can?

    Why is manga/manhwa/manhua any different?

    Mi Mi September 18, 2018 4:37 am
    That's honestly very flawed logic...When you go to the mall or store shopping...and you like a lot of things...but can't afford it you start stuffing everything into your purse/bag anyway? Do you tell ... Ryoko Nicole

    Because its manga/manhwa

    Ryoko Nicole September 18, 2018 12:56 pm
    Because its manga/manhwa Mi Mi

    Yea, uh huh. Ok.

    hUEHUEHUEHUEHUE September 18, 2018 1:36 pm
    Because its manga/manhwa Mi Mi

    beCaUSe iT's manHwA smh just because its manhwa means that you dont have to buy any of the authors work? that's bullshit.

    Ryoko Nicole September 18, 2018 2:11 pm
    beCaUSe iT's manHwA smh just because its manhwa means that you dont have to buy any of the authors work? that's bullshit. hUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

    Don’t feed into Mi Mi person’a ignorance. They’re obviously an immature leech. That knows nothing about hard work. You’d think they’d have some type of decency to be somewhat abashed at that type of foolish thinking. Some people just feel entitled.

    I hope they never get shorted on a paycheck (if they even have a job) or not get a diploma (if they even go to school)

    Mi Mi September 27, 2018 5:34 am
    Don’t feed into Mi Mi person’a ignorance. They’re obviously an immature leech. That knows nothing about hard work. You’d think they’d have some type of decency to be somewhat abashed at that type of f... Ryoko Nicole

    I admit I’m pretty immature but no I’m not ignorant. Assuming that I’m ignorant just because I don’t agree with you is ignorant. I agree that an author’s hard work deserves to be paid off but if someone simply can’t afford to buy it and it’s online for free what do you expect really? Some try to support as much as they can but there is a limit. Even if we weren’t reading them freely online the author still wouldn’t be getting the money because we can’t afford it and most of us on here are underaged to even get a job. People who can afford the manhwa should pay for it and if they don’t they are the ones that should be called ignorant. Plus people like you exist, if the author is working hard enough people will buy their manhwa and broke people such as myself can try their best to support. Judging simply because u don’t agree with our choices thats not any of ur business is quite intrusive.