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Can you help me find this manga?

勝悦 September 18, 2018 4:55 pm

So I was reading this a while ago and I suddenly remembered that it hadn't finish yet and forgot to mark it as 'reading'

Anyways, the story is about a man that ever since he was young was able to understand the tweets of birds, however he once tried to talk to this one dove and it said something like "what are you staring at you stupid kid" since then he growed to hate birds.

The man then grew up and he was like the errands boy in the town, he did everything people asked him to, (he took dogs for a walk or dealt with birds since people knew he was good with them, he hated it tough, but it was his job to do it.)

He also liked to eat at a certain place where the owner's son
Appeared frequently, I think he was the seme and he had like a very quiet personality,he only greeted the errands boy and that was all.
But the man was always curious about him and some stuff happen later and they get closer pls help me find it.
