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Murayama is a liar!

Evilcookie September 19, 2018 7:38 pm

I did the the math and it's their only going to have sex around 5,824 times! That's still 994,172 times to go!

Now there might be faults in this math, but it was a rushed estimate.
1. I used the statistics from American healthy relationship sex, which is about 1 per week. I then added 2 times per week because since their relationship is new their bound to have a lot of sex. After that I know that their bound to hit a rough patch and not have sex for maybe months. I also gave them 52 more years to life and had them stay together, like married. I know that the average sex between married couples in Japan is 1.7 times a year while unmarried have sex 4.2 (I think). That to me is sad, (especially if I decided in my mind that their are married) so that's way I went American. I did not count oral or just masturbating each other as sex.

    Manaacass December 1, 2018 10:01 pm

    Nearly 2 times a year?

    Eilselie May 19, 2020 12:07 am

    Dude that's so sad, if they can't enjoy being intimate as a couple and comunicate what they really want then what's the point in being married to each other, I'd understand if they were ace but damn, Japan needs to step up in its love game