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Mameiha September 21, 2018 1:06 am

There goes my desire to eat at KFC! Wait!... OMG! Is this why KFC is so popular in Japan?

    Jazz December 2, 2018 6:23 am


    Mameiha December 2, 2018 7:10 am
    KFC???? Jazz

    Kentucky Fried CHICKEN. Ever been? Their chicken is pretty good, but I doubt I'll eat it after reading this manga. God knows where those poor birds have been!

    Jazz December 2, 2018 7:42 am
    Kentucky Fried CHICKEN. Ever been? Their chicken is pretty good, but I doubt I'll eat it after reading this manga. God knows where those poor birds have been! Mameiha

    LoL, ik what KFC is, but I don't get the reference

    Mameiha December 2, 2018 8:17 am
    LoL, ik what KFC is, but I don't get the reference Jazz

    Ummm, okay.... You read the manga right? The MC has to fuck a chicken for an A/V. Though, if memory serves me right, the chickens are released before the scene is shot. That, of course, doesn't stop them from getting more chickens and trying again later.

    Jazz December 3, 2018 3:51 am
    Ummm, okay.... You read the manga right? The MC has to fuck a chicken for an A/V. Though, if memory serves me right, the chickens are released before the scene is shot. That, of course, doesn't stop them from ... Mameiha
    Thanks for explaining

    Mameiha December 3, 2018 5:09 am for explaining Jazz

    No problem! Can you imagine the ad they put in the paper for that role? The poor MC arrived thinking he was going to be a chicken plucker. It made for a very awkward first hour or so. LMAO

    Jazz December 3, 2018 5:13 am
    No problem! Can you imagine the ad they put in the paper for that role? The poor MC arrived thinking he was going to be a chicken plucker. It made for a very awkward first hour or so. LMAO Mameiha

    Honestly, that would seem shocking and scary, lol