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Okay so. I'm looking for a manga. Doubt anybody will know but if you do, much appreciation...

1OvErDoSE01 September 21, 2018 8:58 pm

Okay so. I'm looking for a manga. Doubt anybody will know but if you do, much appreciation to you.

There's this dude. He has lots on followers on his social media accounts. One day, he gets sucked in (or somehow) maybe kidnapped? I don't remember, into this "game".

Many other people are in it. Them whom have lots of followers as well. A loud speaker voice thing announces that they are now in a death game.

All the while being broadcasted live where their followers can see. (somehow). The followers are given a few minutes to unfollow the people who have been sent to the area.

Those who do not unfollow them in time die. Those who have zero followers by the time is done also die.

Basically the game is a game of the wits. The MC teams w/ other characters in panic, and they decide to follow each other. Also, he is betrayed by his girlfriend because she unfollowed him. He knew this and felt betrayed.

One round of the next game is based on who can get the most views on a live stream they broadcast.

Anyone know what this manga is called?

    Shiragiku September 21, 2018 9:12 pm

    It sounds similar to Real Account by Okushou, but that's not it, is it~?

    1OvErDoSE01 September 21, 2018 10:42 pm
    It sounds similar to Real Account by Okushou, but that's not it, is it~? Shiragiku

    It is!! Thanks ;>

    Meme234 September 21, 2018 10:43 pm

    Sorry following, sounds cool

    Shiragiku September 21, 2018 11:07 pm
    It is!! Thanks ;> 1OvErDoSE01

    Awesome~ :3