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Looking for a yaoi manga title

Marauder September 21, 2018 11:16 pm

Hey guys,

The title pretty much says it all, I'm looking for the title of a yaoi manga. It was centered around two guys who have been friends since childhood, the seme now lives on his own, is socially awkward and can't take care of himself so the uke (who apparently has always had a crush on him) comes over and makes his meals, cleans his house, ect.....

The seme has a prostitute come over and the uke finds the girls bra/underwear (can't remember which), learns about the prostitute, gets upset and doesn't come over to the seme's place for a while. Which lead the seme to understand the uke likes him.

I remember most of the story, I'm just horrible with titles! Thanks in advance for any and all answers received!
