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ok so new update SUCKS! and i'm not hating on it because it's 'different' or 'i don't like...

TheStardust September 28, 2018 12:15 pm

ok so new update SUCKS!
and i'm not hating on it because it's 'different' or 'i don't like change'
i'm hating because it's THAT BAD, and MASSIVELY RESTRICTS your options.

wha--, am i supposed to like go to the search page just to see what's hot in, say, romance, shounen ai, yuri, etc. EVERY SINGLE TIME?! FOR EACH???!

what if I DON'T WANNA look at what losers like me have to complain about, OOPS, TOO LATE, THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GONNA SEE BELOW NOW! if you expected new and more diverse categories YOU ARE DEADLY MISTAKEN!

sorry, mangago, but what you had before worked perfectly, now all we get is this unexpected, UNREQUESTED, unneeded update that makes the experience tacky, slow, and it kinda feels like you're trying to push the featured stuff even more, at the expense of other, great mangas which are gonna be a pain in the behind to find. Now you look like many other manga websites, and it feels like you're purposefully making it harder for the users. cya

Can anyone, please, reccommend me some good manga sites to try? it's greatly appreciated
