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I'm really confused... Did Luca die? Did both Shion and Luca die? :'(

Emma Ly October 3, 2013 3:46 pm

I'm really confused... Did Luca die? Did both Shion and Luca die? :'(

    chan-chan October 3, 2013 7:36 pm

    think they will die in the future... afer a long and happy life togheter in the countryside with two dogs, in a cute little house with rosebusches (i can't spell, don't hate me.. pls??) in the garden..... No but srsly they will die in the future, faster or slower depending on how much they use their shared power.....

    Trinitymoon November 17, 2013 7:36 am

    No he didn't die but he will most likely before shion because he can't regenerate.

    Hana-lily May 13, 2014 2:36 am

    No, but the curse is that Luca is now connected with Shion's powers, but he can't regenerate; so the more Shion uses his power it will slowly take Luca's life and he equally feels the pain.