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Fuck- Priest chapter is HOT. And this manga made fun of EVERYTHING!

Kiba October 17, 2018 3:54 pm

Holy heck, what's with the whining? What, you've never seen a priest use his cross as a cock ring on his lovers dick so he wouldn't come too fast? Lots of people go to confession rooms, you must have thought of it at least once ;) I might even go to church now, and I'm jewish!

To the people offended by Chapter 4- read any rape, shotacon, urethra play, incest or bestiality lately? I'd love to see you browser history. Fucking Hypocrites, "oooh, I love chapter 5! (of incest)

To the people who seem sane to me, this was hilarious! It made fun of bullying yaoi, Office romances, Historical Yaoi, Boys who cant confess a crush, and Teacher x Student ones! And with plenty of really good smut that I even got hot and bothered with the Priest chapter and the teacher chapter.

    Mameiha January 13, 2020 10:49 pm

    I'm with you all the way! This manga is hilarious and priceless! I was going to list my favorites until I realized that I was going to list all the stories! The twists and audacity are what make these great one shots. The confessional... come on, that is so audacious and fucking hilarious! I don't get why readers complain about tropes and fetishes in yaoi. Maybe they aren't old enough to be aware that it is just gay porn written for chicks? And what do you do when you don't like porn? You don't read it or watch it. It is like saying you hate the smell of pigs and then going out and buying 20 of them to live in your house.