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Why did they suddenly change the art style 180 after chapter 25. I don’t like it. The bo...

baboxxgurl September 30, 2018 7:42 pm

Why did they suddenly change the art style 180 after chapter 25. I don’t like it. The boy is too pretty to be a man

    Ploty November 1, 2018 12:23 pm

    It like it change 3 time. I dont even recognize him anymore. I was like 'who is he? New character?'Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    agathat March 19, 2019 9:13 pm

    Not only the art, I feel even the story changed... some characters dissapeared nor are mentioned!!!

    Also I don't have problem when they change the artist, it is something that happens a lot, but I hated they drastically changed the characters hair colors, hair styles and clothes... and ecen their personalities!!!

    To be honest I liked better the first artist, he/she is really good showing emotions in the eyes and faces, the second artist show emotions in a different way and we can't feel it onky with the eyes expressions!!!

    But... do you also feel a change in the direction of the story???

    Ploty March 21, 2019 3:12 pm
    Not only the art, I feel even the story changed... some characters dissapeared nor are mentioned!!!Also I don't have problem when they change the artist, it is something that happens a lot, but I hated they dra... agathat

    I actually stop reading already. After the mc change to beautiful man I'd read few chap after that and it didn't go well with me.

    It like the whole manhua story line change. Then i click stop button and left. I don't know what happen after that.(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    baboxxgurl March 22, 2019 1:58 pm
    I actually stop reading already. After the mc change to beautiful man I'd read few chap after that and it didn't go well with me. It like the whole manhua story line change. Then i click stop button and left. I... Ploty

    Same. I feel like the original story kinda disappeared which saddens me