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Started boring

GYN October 2, 2018 3:03 am

I started feel boring read this story. Kyoko is to dull. Easy to jump conclusion and not even try to find the truth. I'll drop to read this for sure.

    Sachiko October 2, 2018 6:10 am

    Um no. You don't read very well I see, especially if the name Bo doesn't help you to understand what those who love subtle plot details have always been able to understand. And, especially, if the fact that Kyoko knows Ren better than anyone, including Yashiro, partly because of that same 'Bo' doesn't help you to understand that she could see a grain of truth in the other girl's words that others couldn't. Namely, that the other girl wouldn't make claims that could be easily disproven if she was trying to become the actress for the Momiji role, as she was at the time, NOR would she ignore the fact that Ren told her, as 'Bo', that he was in love with someone much younger than he is. Ktbn.