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First of all, whoever translated this was obviously wrong about what the whole disorder th...

Hayden October 4, 2013 10:02 pm

First of all, whoever translated this was obviously wrong about what the whole disorder thing was. Second, it makes more sense for the person who has a hard on for three hours to be the one to do the fucking, right? I mean, I would imagine it would be really underwhelming if the person's who was screwing you stamina is like a 12th of what yours is? It took the uke like literally 15 mins to cum...

    Anonymous October 13, 2013 9:07 am

    It's not much of a big deal though if it isn't as realistic as that. :)

    ancient.alien.2010 October 12, 2015 11:28 pm

    Dude its a comic...people have animal ears ...asses lubricate like vaginas...dont be so critical just enjoy the fiction...i laughed so hard i cried