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People stop hating on Hisame, he is just a nieve, innocent guy, I kindda think of him as h...

Vampire Queen October 6, 2013 12:05 pm

People stop hating on Hisame, he is just a nieve, innocent guy, I kindda think of him as having a shoujo manga heroes heart (a bit girly but cute). I think he gets put of a lot by Icchans constent advances while still playing around with alot of women ( mostly hookers). I mean would you be serious with a person who claims to love you but then goes and plays with someone else? Im not saying Hisa-chan is compleatly not to blame just that his reasons should be taken into consideration.

    Kio December 29, 2013 1:04 am


    Belldandy January 10, 2014 1:37 pm

    Thanks for this comment, i hate it when they play around with others, so i will not read it! Thanks for saving my time ;)