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how to cope with academic failure ;-; this semester is kicking my ass Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

thevirtualllama October 9, 2018 5:37 am

how to cope with academic failure ;-; this semester is kicking my ass Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Lala October 9, 2018 6:00 am

    Feel ya

    Anonymous October 9, 2018 6:04 am

    Idk if it'll make it easier for you, but I failed 8 subjects in a year hehe Have to take another semester and pay extra money for that... And I used to have 3.92 GPA out of 4... Look at it as if you're just taking a break, sometimes you feel zero motivation and it's fine. You can always better yourself. And I think you can speak about it with your family members, I believe they are the ones who can truly become a pillar for us. One sentence of support from my mom was enough for me to feel 10 times better and more motivated than before and now I'm doing better at every part of my life.

    thevirtualllama October 9, 2018 8:38 am
    Idk if it'll make it easier for you, but I failed 8 subjects in a year hehe Have to take another semester and pay extra money for that... And I used to have 3.92 GPA out of 4... Look at it as if you're just tak... @Anonymous

    woww Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) im not close with my family members that i can talk about school with them but at least you have a good support system :,) plus my mom expects me to pass so theres that pressure from her too ╥﹏╥

    LinaLauLiu October 9, 2018 9:04 am

    Idk if my story will make you feel better but here we go.

    I was supposed to graduate last year, but on early 2017 (after I work so hard to write my thesis), my prof reject my paper simply because she didn't expect me to write it like that. After all consultations, all the revisions, she suddenly said to write a new topic which surprised me. I though "didn't she read all of the my previous writing?". At the same time, family problem came and I got a sudden news that my parents had a debt with my mom's older brother. My parents demand me to help them pay the debt and at the same time finish my study on time.
    Long story short, I ditched my study, work all day and night to pay the debt, and now I am still delaying my graduation. I have a new prof as my guide, now working to revise my previous paper, and secure a job with stable income.
    I was so frustated, ashamed of myself, I had a breakdown for days. I was considered smart. I even got an invitation to study abroad and scholarship but I've to reject all of them.
    I felt like shit, hate my prof, my parents, my big family.
    But now I think back, I thank God for the problem. I feel like I am growing up as a person and it helps my mentality too.

    Anyway, all you have to do is just work hard but don't be too hard on yourself. It's your life anyway. Your mom wants the best for you, that's understandable. But you have to tell your mom that working under pressure will make it harder for you.

    What I usually do when I feel hopeless is like watching video on youtube about women my age who live in a poor village, no education, etc. For me, it helps me reminding myself that I am still lucky to have a life with freedom.

    Or just came here and read some funny mangas to boost your mood (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Ganbatte (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anonymous October 9, 2018 9:23 am

    cry your eyes out, you'll feel better or just worn out

    thevirtualllama October 9, 2018 12:28 pm
    Idk if my story will make you feel better but here we go.I was supposed to graduate last year, but on early 2017 (after I work so hard to write my thesis), my prof reject my paper simply because she didn't expe... LinaLauLiu

    wow that must be tough and least you have someone new to guide you! ;( i think i exaggerated on my mom part. she doesnt pressure me alot per say but i feel like i must do well in school for her.

    You're right i think i should just count my blessing instead of worrying about other things!(▰˘◡˘▰)

    yes! mangas boost my mood all the time!
    Ganbatte!! ヾ(☆▽☆)