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How taesoo could've been hired by S company if it wasn't for Doh; a theory

Typical_Otaku October 11, 2018 11:58 pm

OKAY! so you know how taesoo and doh became a couple in college right? they became so close that their works often get mixed up (well, its actually taesoo's style but Doh unconsciously got persuaded by his style)

since they were so super close and always together and whatnot, and its been stated that soojung means 'crystal' and taesoo's last name is 'moon' so what are the chances that they would share the same account name for their portfolio together? or maybe taesoo named HIS account after their ship name in uni.

that would mean in chap.7 (yes i searched that far) the intern saw taesoo's portfolio first! and before the company could contact him he decided to change his name to 'NOOM'
THEN by some stroke of luck Mr.hwang saw her work and thought that she was moon crystal!!! even after all those years she still copying taesoo's style

tHATS NOT EVEN THE WORST PArt! she was already working for a company so why would she be posting her portfolio in a freelance job offer site? BECAUSE IT WASNT HER!! and i bet she knew she knew full fucking well that it was her ex's account. its so dirty! yet she still took that job offer like it was her's?? taesoo has struggling to have something like that taken away from him :(

it was supposed to be HIM getting that job. HE was supposed to be assistant manager. spending months at a horrible company and feeling guilty leaning for sooha's help :( Doh is so underhanded! now she has Mr. Hwang wrapped around her finger and got herself a promotion! she's not even good at her job! always late w projects and changing styles, even sooha was fed up! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
