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Renaxzoro October 12, 2018 4:05 pm


    Anonymous October 12, 2018 4:57 pm

    no body's talking about alpha he's bit suspicious to me .... IDK

    supermskittycat October 12, 2018 6:09 pm
    no body's talking about alpha he's bit suspicious to me .... IDK @Anonymous

    He He finally someone who notices the VERY SUSPICIOUS APLHA

    I re-read it last night from chapter 6 and Shiratori was on Sumi case already in

    1 he helped him once lend him his jacket

    2 helped him at the club when his medz was not wroking and his scent grew and ADVICED him to GET A MATE FAST and "if you need help call me anytime"

    3 at the terrace he offers or tells Sumi to come to his company

    4 at a companies meeting Shiratori, Karasuma and Utou are sitting at table and Sumi at another but still close enough to hear their convo, Shiratori insinuates that he always thought that Karasuma and Utou has a relationship, within their convo before stating that he glanced at Sumi and Sumi clearly hears that after that he promptly left .

    So in other words I do not think that Shiratori is all that innocent and nice at all but I guess his true colors have to come out still (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Anonymous October 14, 2018 1:17 am
    He He finally someone who notices the VERY SUSPICIOUS APLHAI re-read it last night from chapter 6 and Shiratori was on Sumi case already in 1 he helped him once lend him his jacket2 helped him at the club when ... supermskittycat

    may bee the real bad bloodis alpha:D