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Could be much better...

Morohtar October 15, 2018 1:54 am

This story could be much better if they hadn't ignored the original plot idea that was constantly mentioned and hinted. Instead it was turned into a regular Barbie-like "they can talk with a few animals, that's normal" kinda plot. Which is sad since the somewhat drama-like storyline they had going in the start sounded VERY promising.
There are also quite a few scenarios that were simply skipped over even tho they would have been important or at least interesting to see for the reader.

BUT, despite the changes in plot focus it is still a really nice story. And talking animals are just a bonus to me in all cases~.
I'm happy about the love triangle-ish part as well. Izzy is darn handsome, so I hope he's not a total jerk later on. That would be a waste on good looks. ( ̄へ ̄)

Looking forward to any updates!
