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Can we just talk about how Shahi gets to be a mother in the end and then loved uncondition...

Ray October 8, 2013 3:46 am

Can we just talk about how Shahi gets to be a mother in the end and then loved unconditionally in the end by that child. I mean yeah it's sad for Shahi that Derek dies but If that didn't happen he would ahve never been able to live his dream or be loved so sweetly like he is by Dereks child. Such a perfect ending and if I'm not mistaken thats Shahi and Dereks child on the last page right? So does that mean Shahi becomes like a queen or something? Idk. Uhg perfect manga is perfect. :3

    Sami October 15, 2013 3:53 pm

    Yeah I agree. I am the kind of person who obsessive with happy ending and I still feel sorry for Shahi everytime thinking about him... but that is what made his story so beautiful and hunting I think. Now he has a child who looks a lot like Derek and love him and treasures him very much (even more than Derek I think, because that child was raised by Shahi so beside love he has lots of respectation for Shahi, he wouldn't hurt Shahi like Derek did...)

    I don't really like the art at first but now because of Shahi this will be one of my fav art styles.