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I’m tortured here, love the series, but the wait kills!

OtakuHime October 16, 2018 7:00 pm

I am obsessed with this series and the artist has done such an excellent job wrapping me around their finger that a Winter 2019 wait will kill me but will be anticipated! I think the omega is making a Big Mistake and I hope he realizes sooner than later. Fuji is the only one for him do I hope he finds some way to become an alpha with a stronger pheromone pull than the boss guy. Don’t get me wrong I kinda feel bad for him but I can also see he won’t cherish Senpai much, he is just a convenient tool and conquest. Fuji will cherish him and be loyal. Ugh, this is agonizing. I hope I see a resolution sooner than later that I can handle.

    karacchan October 16, 2018 7:10 pm

    This is so beautifully said I'm cryingggg ╥﹏╥