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it would be nice if it was longer, and had more meaning to the plot. The whole cosplay thi...

Bunni October 9, 2013 3:20 am

it would be nice if it was longer, and had more meaning to the plot. The whole cosplay thingie didn't make much sense. It could've just been oh i watch my neighbor through the window he's so hot, blah blah, *spoiler* i kinda sorta rape him.. like no plot here. sort of a random thought i guess. i still liked it tho. just really rushed into like 20 pages.

    ksb1978 October 9, 2013 3:39 am

    what were you reading? the glasses guy was really a demon trying to take over the world everyday. when not a demon he transforms into a regular guy who happens to be in love with his neighbor. The neighbor ends up being the super hero that comes and stops the demon dude from taking over the world everyday. Hero and villain fuck and fall in love. villain decides to stop taking over the world everyday and lives in peace with the hero. The plot was quite clear.

    Anonymous October 9, 2013 9:08 am

    Erm... not cosplay.