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the vampire queen October 21, 2018 9:27 pm

Sikee bitch it's too late. move along now...DG doesn't need you!!! Alex needs to suffer!! ( I say this but DG is going to take him even though AleX is TRASH AKA Hot Garbage
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸)

    Fruit October 21, 2018 9:44 pm

    DG literally asks Jiwon if he loves him next chapter.He is ready to go back to him.He only needs to hear those words.He doesn't even demand any change between them or a change in Jiwon's behavior.
    DG is a trash spineless loser that nobody cares about.He got lucky getting fucked by someone like Jiwon.And that experience gave him a lot.
    Wishing for someone like Jiwon to suffer only because DG supposedly fell in love with him is unfair.

    trash October 21, 2018 9:59 pm
    DG literally asks Jiwon if he loves him next chapter.He is ready to go back to him.He only needs to hear those words.He doesn't even demand any change between them or a change in Jiwon's behavior.DG is a trash ... Fruit

    woah. you called us assholes for wishing that alex suffers TO MAKE UP FOR HIS PAST SEX ASSAULT, ABUSES AND INHUMANE ATTITUDE TOWARDS SOMEONE HE USED FOR HIS LIVE STREAMS. but you can call dg a trash spineless loser for loving someone? BRUH LMAO.

    Mozzarella October 21, 2018 10:20 pm
    DG literally asks Jiwon if he loves him next chapter.He is ready to go back to him.He only needs to hear those words.He doesn't even demand any change between them or a change in Jiwon's behavior.DG is a trash ... Fruit

    I wish for Jiwon to suffer because of his fucking inconsiderate behavior and emotional abuse if DG, not because he didn't reciprocate DG's love.

    And wow, talk about abusive discourse. "He's lucky someone like Jiwon looked at him", "no one cares about him", "that experience have him a lot". WTF.

    I think DG is fucking amazing, because he loves Jiwon - ofc he'd go back to Jiwon if he's loved back, BUT HE FUCKING WON'T IF HE'S NOT. That's a huge character growth and the opposite of spineless, and I'm really proud of him.

    trash October 21, 2018 10:27 pm
    I wish for Jiwon to suffer because of his fucking inconsiderate behavior and emotional abuse if DG, not because he didn't reciprocate DG's love.And wow, talk about abusive discourse. "He's lucky someone like Ji... Mozzarella

    agreed 100%

    Fruit October 21, 2018 10:28 pm
    I wish for Jiwon to suffer because of his fucking inconsiderate behavior and emotional abuse if DG, not because he didn't reciprocate DG's love.And wow, talk about abusive discourse. "He's lucky someone like Ji... Mozzarella

    He was not inconsiderate.DG and him had made a deal that they would only meet for sex.
    DG could refuse those conditions and he could refuse meeting Jiwon whenever it was convenient only for Jiwon but DG never did
    He caused all of this to himself.Jiwon never forced him and even the few times he crossed the line with DG the latter could had walked away.DG could also not had lied to Jiwon that time Jiwon asked him if he loved him
    Besides you still cannot proof that what DG feels about Jiwon is truly love.How can he love him when he doesn't even know him?

    Fruit October 21, 2018 10:33 pm
    I wish for Jiwon to suffer because of his fucking inconsiderate behavior and emotional abuse if DG, not because he didn't reciprocate DG's love.And wow, talk about abusive discourse. "He's lucky someone like Ji... Mozzarella

    I'm only being objective.DG is average to below average looking.He has no social skills nor friends.He was a 23 year old virgin without any accomplishments in his life and he is an average simple student who people barely know his name and don't even notice his existence.
    DG earned a lot of experience he wouldn't have if he never met Jiwon
    Yes he is lucky he got to fuck a dude like Jiwon who was his sex idol and is worshipped by millions of people.
    Jiwon is good looking is rich great student very popular and successful in everything he does.
    Of course DG got lucky and realistically speaking it wouldn't had been possible for a guy like Jiwon to ever notice let alone hook up with someone like DG.

    trash October 21, 2018 10:39 pm

    those few times where he crossed the line is why he needs to suffer, honey. regardless of whatever situation they're in that's disrespectful and inconsiderate. and for him not walking out then, well he's walking out now and you're indirectly saying that he shouldn't cause alex shouldn't suffer? lmao. don't even change the subject to who loves who. we're not one to judge cause we're not the ones in the story. if you're expressing that you don't really want them together by saying that then honey, bye. you're just making yourself look like an asshole for liking alex so much. key words; making

    trash October 21, 2018 10:41 pm
    I'm only being objective.DG is average to below average looking.He has no social skills nor friends.He was a 23 year old virgin without any accomplishments in his life and he is an average simple student who pe... Fruit

    so much for being objective.

    Fruit October 21, 2018 11:07 pm
    those few times where he crossed the line is why he needs to suffer, honey. regardless of whatever situation they're in that's disrespectful and inconsiderate. and for him not walking out then, well he's walkin... trash

    When everyone else is hating on Jiwon I do feel the need to protect him and defend him.
    Again you are also contradicting yourself and reaching.
    You do judge Jiwon harshly but when someone judges DG you say "we shouldn't judge because we are not the ones in the story".
    It seems like you all love DG so much because he is a plain Jane and a character clearly written as a substitute of a female character.
    I don't really understand the rest of your response because your English are bad.
    Im not an asshole for liking Jiwon.He is the only one who makes the story interesting.He is the best most complicated and well fleshed out character.It just comes naturally to want to defend him because he is getting way to much hatred for no serious reasons.
    If DG doesn't hate Jiwon for what he supposedly did to him then why should you hate him?
    I don't mind Jiwon and DG being together at all.I'm pretty sure they'll be end game and DG will always be the submissive one and Jiwon will always lead the relationship anyways.
    Besides I'm pretty sure that once they get together the author is simy hoing to finish the story there with a classic gay happy ending and we won't ever get to see how Jiwon and DG actually are as a couple.My predictions.

    One last thing.For the few times Jiwon crossed the line with DG he has already made up for.
    I talked about that before but here it goes again.
    Jiwon agreed to let DG into his house and even showed him his broadcasting room as an apology for them almost getting caught fucking at school.Also he respected DG's wish tto visit his house.
    After the sex toys incident Jiwon made up for it by accepting DG's desire to go on a date.
    Besides DG was great only moments after each incident.If he was traumatized by them he wouldn't be OK.He wouldn't want to continue being with Jiwon.
    And finally the first time they had sex when Jiwon penetrated without lube or preparation DG kicked him so hard in the stomach Jiwon thought he was going to die.Plus DG was fine and ready for dick again just moments later so he wasn't all that hurt or scared by the entire ordeal.
    Also Jiwon prepared him and lived him up properly in the second attempt that night so he made up and they were even.
    Even all the times they had sex Jiwon always made sure DG was satisfied and always did give DG a great time so there is no space for accusing Jiwon for anything wrong there.

    Fruit October 21, 2018 11:10 pm
    When everyone else is hating on Jiwon I do feel the need to protect him and defend him.Again you are also contradicting yourself and reaching.You do judge Jiwon harshly but when someone judges DG you say "we sh... Fruit

    Sorry some mistakes are because I'm on mobile with autocorrect and I'm typing fast.
    Sorry I said your English is bad.Mine isn't great either and also it could be the autocorrect thing in your case as well.

    Fruit October 21, 2018 11:14 pm
    so much for being objective. trash

    Well yeah why not?
    Where is the lie in any of the things I wrote.
    Show me the receipts.
    As much as you love him DG is nothing special while Jiwon is and he is way out of DG's league.Ofcourse DG got lucky.What are the odds of actually meeting your sex idol and getting fucked by them?

    kyra 23 October 21, 2018 11:24 pm
    agreed 100% trash

    Don't pay attention to fruit. They will never be objective and never see tha faults of Jiwon.

    Mozzarella October 21, 2018 11:34 pm
    I'm only being objective.DG is average to below average looking.He has no social skills nor friends.He was a 23 year old virgin without any accomplishments in his life and he is an average simple student who pe... Fruit

    "DG is average to below average looking.He has no social skills nor friends.He was a 23 year old virgin without any accomplishments in his life and he is an average simple student who people barely know his name and don't even notice his existence".... "Yes he is lucky he got to fuck a dude like Jiwon"

    Do you hear yourself? Do you not see what's wrong here? That looks awfully lot like "You're ugly, you're lucky I fucked you". Everyone knows who says this kind of shit.

    So, objectively speaking: an ugly, socially awkward nerd is lucky "someone like Jiwon" noticed him, so he what - should be thankful for being treated like crap? Do you always judge people's worth by their looks or social achievements? Because out of everything you've used to describe DG, not once I've seen you point out a character flaw that implies he's a bad person or a lesser human being, which can't be said about Jiwon.

    Guess what: being a "good looking rich great student very popular and successful in everything he does" doesn't make anyone a better human being, doesn't make them God's gift to humankind, specially if they come with Jiwon's level of BS.

    Jiwon is not better than DG just because he's handsome, rich and popular.

    Fruit October 21, 2018 11:43 pm
    Don't pay attention to fruit. They will never be objective and never see tha faults of Jiwon. kyra 23

    OK Of course every time Rae replies to sth you just happen to be here too agreeing 100% ;)

    trash October 21, 2018 11:45 pm
    Well yeah why not?Where is the lie in any of the things I wrote.Show me the receipts.As much as you love him DG is nothing special while Jiwon is and he is way out of DG's league.Ofcourse DG got lucky.What are... Fruit

    there's no lie cause that's your opinion. i didn't know that stating the fact that jiwon was disrespectful and inconsiderate towards donggyun meant that i was judging jiwon. i say that jiwon is disrespectful because he ignored dg's pleads, didn't listen to him when he said stop and continued to do things against his will even when it was obvious that he was hurting him in the process. he stopped but only when he was proven wrong, which he should've done in the first place. hence, inconsiderate, because he did that just because he was jealous over something that he didn't even have proof of.

    im gonna try to make myself clear again, like you said, why didn't dg just walk out before when he was being harrassed against his will? im gonna be honest, i don't know, but from what i see, he stayed because he valued the time he spent with jiwon and that situtaion gave him an opportunity to extend that time. that's his mistake. no one's excusing him for that.

    your main point, is that alex doesn't deserve any of the shit he's getting right now. and by "all the shit he's getting", i meant all the comments that say the he should suffer more. and the context for the word "suffer", means that he gets rejected and ignored by dg. which is what you implied that dg should've done before.

    so then, i am indirectly saying that you're a hypocrite. because now that dg is doing what you imposed he should've done, you're complaining.

    Mozzarella October 21, 2018 11:48 pm
    He was not inconsiderate.DG and him had made a deal that they would only meet for sex.DG could refuse those conditions and he could refuse meeting Jiwon whenever it was convenient only for Jiwon but DG never di... Fruit

    I believe the main point of the author is that DG had a crush on Alex, and that evolved to true feelings after getting to know him. You can see everyone saying DG was objectifying Alex in the first few chapters, but that ceased to be when he got to know Jiwon. But let's go after the facts:

    1) DG could refuse - true. But would you refuse the chance to sleep with your idol? Lol nope - again, everyone was all the rage about DG objectifying Alex in the first few chapters. Does it make it ok for said idol to turn abusive? Hell no.

    2) It is DG's own fault for falling for him, but it is Jiwon's sin to have used said feelings for his own benefit. Jiwon knew DG had feelings. Jiwon threatened to break up with DG if he had feelings. Ofc DG would lie. Everyone was fucking mad he did. But that's an abusive relationship for you: you'd rather have anything at all than not have anything, because you have fucking feelings for them and they make you fear them leaving you because, guess what? "You are ugly and you are lucky someone like me looked at someone like you".

    3) Well, now DG walked away. You should be happy now.

    Fruit October 21, 2018 11:50 pm
    "DG is average to below average looking.He has no social skills nor friends.He was a 23 year old virgin without any accomplishments in his life and he is an average simple student who people barely know his nam... Mozzarella

    IRL that's how things usually work.I'm not implying that its fair and right but its the harsh reality.
    I'm not really into that deep as to judge any of them as evil or angel.
    Other readers do this here when they say Jiwon is just an asshole but DG is a cinnamon roll,a baby and angel etc...
    Jiwon so far has been a much better fleshed out character way more interesting and exciting than DG.
    Its too bad that the author only shows DG's supposed evolvement and growth as a character only because of his involvement with Jiwon.
    That only makes Jiwon more special in my eyes.
    I don't know how to properly express it but Jiwon has shown character outside his involvement with DG but DG is only relevant because of Jiwon...

    trash October 21, 2018 11:51 pm
    Don't pay attention to fruit. They will never be objective and never see tha faults of Jiwon. kyra 23

    that's true. i was giving up anyway because of the obvious bias and overestimation towards jiwon.

    kyra 23 October 21, 2018 11:52 pm

    I'm not Rae...I have no idea what you're talking about. I happen to follow Rae and like her. Like I said before, I wouldn't pay attention to anything you say when you yourself can't be objective and block people who have a different opinion

    Fruit October 21, 2018 11:55 pm
    there's no lie cause that's your opinion. i didn't know that stating the fact that jiwon was disrespectful and inconsiderate towards donggyun meant that i was judging jiwon. i say that jiwon is disrespectful be... trash

    I'm getting tired and the weekend is almost over so I don't have much time anymore but still I disagree with the real hate Jiwon is getting and people only carrying about DG.
    People degrade Jiwons character and only see an "asshole" while he is not and he is overall a great character who creates many emotions to people while DG is just someone you want to "protect because he makes cute blushing faces.That's all.