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Damn the situation with christoph and Ryan is sad,but I can't say they didn't deserve it

Disgusting fujoshi October 22, 2018 4:39 am

Damn the situation with christoph and Ryan is sad,but I can't say they didn't deserve it

    Shiragiku October 22, 2018 5:33 am

    There’s a possibility of sympathizing with Ryan; as for Christoph or

    Disgusting fujoshi October 23, 2018 4:16 am

    I still can't sympathise with ryan,he tried to have kyon killed first thing but when it came to Christoph suddenly all is forgiven.idk just personal opinions

    Joyeshaa October 23, 2018 5:07 pm

    They didn't deserve this at all. I'm so heart broken. Christophe was under command and YET his love for Ryan made him kill that intern and choose to remain with them instead. He's SO brave. And Ryan is fucking great. He protected everyone and got hurt. Even if he at a time doubted kyon, which was understandable AND true, he end up saving his life.

    Disgusting fujoshi October 23, 2018 9:43 pm

    Can't agree,as they say,you reap what you sow.christopher has killed many more while kyon has killed none and yet ryan was going to kill kyon,disregarding all that christoph had done.And in the end,Ryan dies without christoph remembering him,but I guess that's karma

    Joyeshaa October 24, 2018 8:27 am
    Can't agree,as they say,you reap what you sow.christopher has killed many more while kyon has killed none and yet ryan was going to kill kyon,disregarding all that christoph had done.And in the end,Ryan dies wi... Disgusting fujoshi

    I'm have to wait and read the rest... I respect your opinion. I just zabbt see Ryan as bad at all. And the fact that he chose to erase himself from Christophe's memory is tragic in itself. I'll never get over this. Just the thought made me tear up.

    Joyeshaa October 24, 2018 8:28 am
    I'm have to wait and read the rest... I respect your opinion. I just zabbt see Ryan as bad at all. And the fact that he chose to erase himself from Christophe's memory is tragic in itself. I'll never get over t... Joyeshaa

    Don't *

    Disgusting fujoshi October 24, 2018 9:39 pm

    It is tragic,but deserved.