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YaoiMom October 25, 2018 11:44 am

Okay so normally I LOVE omegaverse stories but I just couldn't get into this. I got halfway through and it was just boring the hell out of me. Maybe I'll try reading it again but for now I'm skipping this one.

Also... jkfldjsafkldj FOUR EARS. Whyyyyyy? That drives me nuts.

    Celdria October 25, 2018 4:58 pm

    Same actually. I love omegaverse, but this was boring as hell, zero charm, zero impact for me.

    jaimie October 26, 2018 6:36 am

    Ugh I totally agree. I have such a passion towards omegaverse & I feel like this was just very lacking??? Plus the plotline was boring in my opinion & kind of hard to follow and understand. I don’t think I’ll return to read this when it is completed.