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But who is the father of the baby? I don't understand...

LadyNoir October 27, 2018 7:52 am

But who is the father of the baby? I don't understand...

    kris November 29, 2018 1:33 pm

    It's ryuu's, joe knew it from the begining because he can't even have children lol so while they were all "oh no, who is it from?" Joe was like "*pfft* oh nooo, who knows(ain't me lol)" or something idunno hahaha

    LadyNoir November 30, 2018 10:48 am
    It's ryuu's, joe knew it from the begining because he can't even have children lol so while they were all "oh no, who is it from?" Joe was like "*pfft* oh nooo, who knows(ain't me lol)" or something idunno haha... kris

    The way you put it t's so funny!! but thanks for answering. I had this big ? in my head and needed someone to explain. And do they know it's ryuu's?

    kris December 3, 2018 12:20 pm
    The way you put it t's so funny!! but thanks for answering. I had this big ? in my head and needed someone to explain. And do they know it's ryuu's? LadyNoir

    That I am not sure, it was a private conversation between ryuu and joe, so I don't know if ryuu ever told somebody