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Melody Quills October 27, 2018 3:34 pm


    Lucy In The Sky October 27, 2018 3:44 pm

    LucaonlovesKyonbchemannedup October 27, 2018 5:29 pm

    With diamonds!!

    Fruit October 27, 2018 5:57 pm

    How can DG do better when he doesn't have any friends any social skills or social life at all?
    He is below average borderline loser.
    Realistically speaking he got lucky.
    Jiwon could do better than DG
    DG doesn't have anything special going on about his appearance but most importantly he has no personality and has a drinking problem.
    That is partly why everyone ignores him or aren't even aware of his existence.
    And the few who rarely interact with him only do it in order to take advantage of him because that's just how DG is.
    An easy target not only for Jiwon but for everyone.
    You may like him but he has no potential without Jiwon.
    And DG has and can only benefit from Jiwon more than Jiwon can benefit from DG.
    DG cannot go anywhere or do anything without the guidance of a strong male in this case preferably Jiwon.
    The only one that gives value to the character of DG is Jiwon.Without him in the story DG would be extra boring and nobody would like him.

    Lucy In The Sky October 27, 2018 6:04 pm
    How can DG do better when he doesn't have any friends any social skills or social life at all?He is below average borderline loser.Realistically speaking he got lucky.Jiwon could do better than DG DG doesn't ha... Fruit

    All of this is false ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ like I said before in the other topic. Sure, Mingwa could have given him a few more personality quirks but he's not as useless and pathetic as you make him sound. I mean, we get it. You're a Jiwon fan boy. That's fine. You have your reasons. But typing the same thing over and over again to those who do like DG more than Jiwon isn't doing much

    Lucy In The Sky October 27, 2018 6:04 pm
    With diamonds!! LucaonlovesKyonbchemannedup


    Fruit October 27, 2018 6:15 pm
    All of this is false ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ like I said before in the other topic. Sure, Mingwa could have given him a few more personality quirks but he's not as useless and pathetic as you make him sound. I mean... Lucy In The Sky

    I think all of you are DG fans.I'm only being objective and I do not respond just to people who prefer DG over Jiwon but to people who are aggressive and negative or even hateful towards Jiwon like this post where the op says stupid fangirling insulting things like "Jiwon you stupid ass bitch" and "DG doesn't deserve you" like Jiwon or any other man is not a trophy so stop objectifing gay men.
    Please take a look at this person comment and tell me that I shouldn't had argued or that this person is right about what they say and about calling Jiwon names.
    If you are a serious adult you understand what I'm talking about.
    All this person post is stupid non objective pure fan girl in over DG and degrading and borderline hating on Jiwon.

    What is the "false" in my comment?
    Does DG have any real friends?No.
    Does anyone know he even exists in school?No.
    Does he have a social life?No.
    His character so far has revolved around Jiwon and it will continue being that way or as I predict once the main couple finally gets together the story will soon end and there will still not be any significant character development for DG.

    Fruit October 27, 2018 6:26 pm
    All of this is false ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ like I said before in the other topic. Sure, Mingwa could have given him a few more personality quirks but he's not as useless and pathetic as you make him sound. I mean... Lucy In The Sky

    Instead of being mature and arguing with me in a constructive discussion you chose the easy way of simply calling me a fanboy.
    Also the double standards are real in your case because when people constantly post hate about Jiwon and unjustified praise about DG basically everyone here is saying the same things over and over again and yet the only one who bothers you is me and you feel like I'm the only one "repeating"?
    But I hope you think both my responses to your totally wrong judgment a little bit.

    Missanthropist October 27, 2018 8:37 pm
    Instead of being mature and arguing with me in a constructive discussion you chose the easy way of simply calling me a fanboy.Also the double standards are real in your case because when people constantly post ... Fruit

    (This comment actually compelled me to signup, so kudos to you.)

    "How can DG do better when he doesn't have any friends any social skills or social life at all?
    Jiwon isn't in a much better space than DG, actually, he's worse off. Jiwon doesn't have any friends, the student council members aren't really his friends, their associates at best. Hell, nobody knows where he lives when he gets so drunk he blacks out.

    "He is below average borderline loser."
    I don't know how to answer this because this seems more subjective than "objective". What makes someone a loser change depends on who you're asking.

    "Realistically speaking he got lucky."
    This, I agree with you on. Not because I think DG is a loser, it's just based on the fact that he's a fan of BJ Alex. And considering the circles they hang around, they most likely wouldn't notice each other.

    "Jiwon could do better than DG"
    Oh, I'm going to have fun with this one. How is Jiwon better than DG? Because he's handsome? Has money? A better body? Or that he hangs around the student council, so it gives the illusion that he has friends. (Although we do know he has good grades, hence he's smart.) This is not their fault, by the way...It just seems he holds everyone at arm's length. As a matter of fact, Jiwon is not well adjusted at all. He's carrying a lot of emotional scars. From his parents not caring about him to the fact he can't get over the first guy, he loved playing him for a fool. Really, that last one is such a big deal, that it's the reason why Jiwon doesn't realize that he cares about DG. It's the reason why, up to now, he didn't want ANY relationship at all. Not to mention that he admits he doesn't have a good personality when BJ MD prods him (see chapter 19). But hey, he's still better than DG, right? We're being objective here. (/sarcasm) And I just remembered why it is he likes streaming...He enjoys the love and admiration people give him...

    "DG doesn't have anything special going on about his appearance" (um, that's subjective) "but most importantly he has no personality and has a drinking problem."
    DG has a personality, I don't know where you got this from. From what we've seen, DG is manipulative (see chapter 28), is a bit of a crybaby (also 28), keeps to himself, hardworking, doesn't know how to stop liking someone once he starts, happy, shy, unsure, enthusiastic, non-confrontational. Not all of these are good personality traits, but there seems to be something there...
    And the only time when we see DG have anything akin to an actual drinking problem, is when he gets so miserable over his situation with Jiwon, that he drinks to excess the wine Jiwon gives him. Then bursts into Jiwon's streaming session. Otherwise, we know DG likes beer, and it's never been a problem up until that point. The first time we see DG drink too much is when Jiwon propositions him, in which case that could be marked down as being overly enthusiastic.

    "That is partly why everyone ignores him or aren't even aware of his existence."
    No one in school is aware of him(besides Jiwon) because DG is shy. So can't really say he has a personality or not he really doesn't interact with people. That's different from having no personality.

    "And the few who rarely interact with him only do it in order to take advantage of him because that's just how DG is. An easy target not only for Jiwon but for everyone."
    I need to see the situations where DG is taken advantage of by people to even agree or disagree.

    "You may like him but he has no potential without Jiwon."
    And as stated before neither does Jiwon, Jiwon may hook them with his good looks. But most people with common sense (and aren't shallow) would leave when they see his true colors.

    "And DG has and can only benefit from Jiwon more than Jiwon can benefit from DG."
    Really how many hangups does DG have compared to Jiwon? Minus his slight lack of backbone, which seems to be growing in just fine. I mean he turned do Jiwon's dumbass proposition to be fuckbuddies again...

    "DG cannot go anywhere or do anything without the guidance of a strong male in this case preferably Jiwon.
    The only one that gives value to the character of DG is Jiwon.Without him in the story DG would be extra boring and nobody would like him."
    Wow, you're being really objective here...(that's sarcasm.) Or DG can have a friend to guide him, help him figure out what he likes, helps him get over a break up...Or try to repair the "relationship" he had with Jiwon. Oh great I'm talking about Chanwoo and the boss lady again...

    "What is the "false" in my comment?
    Does DG have any real friends? No."
    Yes, actually. Chanwoo and to a lesser extent their boss.
    "Does anyone know he even exists in school? No."
    This is true.
    "Does he have a social life? No."
    Yes, when Chanwoo manages to drag him out or invites himself over.

    "His character so far has revolved around Jiwon"
    And so has Jiwon's, as again Jiwon has nobody to turn too when things get rough.
    Who helped DG get over their "breakup", Chanwoo and their boss. (How many times have a said this?)

    Honestly, I would have left this comment alone if it wasn't for the statement that all your problems with DG are objective aka fact based. Most seemed subjective and draped in bias. And it's kind of hard to dismiss the picture of Jiwon as your avatar. It just seemed like you didn't like someone trashing Jiwon. Which I can understand. Both of them are flawed characters. There was situations where I didn't like DG at all...I'd talk about them but this comment is long enough.

    Fruit October 27, 2018 9:18 pm
    @Fruit(This comment actually compelled me to signup, so kudos to you.)"How can DG do better when he doesn't have any friends any social skills or social life at all?Jiwon isn't in a much better space than DG, a... Missanthropist

    Well its also hard for me to dismiss the fact that your username is "misanthropist" that must mean you hate people.
    I disagree with you.
    But right now I don't have time to go in depth.
    However I will mention a few examples were DG is used by others in one of the early chapters some other students want him to work on some project all by himself.
    At the school festival people made him carry everything for them even the boxes they should had carried themselves.
    MD uses DG to get to Chanwoo...
    Overall I don't like the hate Jiwon gets more do I think he deserves to suffer or beg a guy like DG who I am not convinced he truly loves Jiwon.

    Lucy In The Sky October 27, 2018 10:59 pm
    @Fruit(This comment actually compelled me to signup, so kudos to you.)"How can DG do better when he doesn't have any friends any social skills or social life at all?Jiwon isn't in a much better space than DG, a... Missanthropist

    I couldn't have typed it better

    Melody Quills October 31, 2018 4:02 pm

    Man I was just trying to be lighthearted and funny...this became real srs real fast... Both sides make sense tbh... But I DO wanna point out: It's a romance manhwa solely about the relationship of DG and Jiwon... So... yeah... They probably won't have much going on outside of each other considering it's mostly for the relationship aspect.
    ALSO: I don't personally like Jiwon for DG and think Dg can do better because of how abusive Jiwon actually is... BUT at the same time I also understand social constructs when it pertains to appearance. Obviously Jiwon is supposed to be set as an incredibly good looking character. So yeah maybe he has more options when it comes to initial impressions and casual sex.
    TBH: They both need therapy.. Especially Jiwon. Maybe DG could do with just a bit more "finding himself" and self love and can go without the profesional help. BuT They both need to figure their shit out. Neither of the are in a good mental/emotional state to be realistically looking for a relationship. This is coming from a depressed chick who's suicidal as fuck so I know what I'm talking about when I say "love yourself before someone else"